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Everything posted by cody56

  1. Santa - No Heaven and Hell - Yes Ghosts - Yes Love polls xD
  2. Dragon I'll help you alright?
  3. If he came in wouldn't that be like breaking and entereing??
  4. Lol, you asked first!!
  5. yes i'll have your babies
  6. You're in a weird mood every night.
  7. I have never slept in any class. No, wait, once. It was in 8th grade math and I pretty much knew more than the teacher so i fell asleep cause he just bored the hell outta me.
  8. Male 20-28. Old enough to drink and everything if you want but you still look good. >100. Just so I can say I lived over 100 years.
  9. http://www.windowsxlive.net/index.php?page_id=15 Oh, and I figured out how to get the sidebar.
  10. Hey guys, I was searching for a theme or something that looks like Vista. I found a program made by Mr. Windows X, I think. It said that it changes my system files and themes and such. It looks like it all worked out so far and I love it. Just a quick question though, how do I get the tool bar icons special things (system overview and everything) up? I don't know exactly what to call them but it's the extra little things. I think this has them.
  11. Didn't they say it'd cost from like $5,000-$10,000??
  12. Ok, that's just frickin awesome. Did he say they have a demo or something on the internet?
  13. Yea, I thought it was kinda weird too.
  14. Hey guys, just reading around on here and I thought of a game I wanted to get but never could. I think it was a Gamecube game but I might be wrong. I just remember that you're a ghost or something and you can take control of almost anything in the game in order to fight. Help?
  15. Hey GoRDoOne, what theme thing do you use? i like the start button and everything.
  16. thanx. i got it downloaded and goin so i'm gonna try to get some characters
  17. i did but i couldn't find anything
  18. Ok, feeling stupid askin this, but what is MUGEN. It looks fun and maybe something I could get into. Where do I start?
  19. Jordan, when this computer gets to your house I'm going to steal it and run all the way back home. Hahahaha
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