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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. ok haku is all yours
  2. really? and here i thought i was the only haku fan in here. ill prob change it again. i want something from fate/stay night
  3. Thank you, someone knows the greatness of usenet. P2P sucks imo. bittorrent is decent as long as there are proper seeding of the file youre getting.
  4. I had kyoko for a short while. than i went to this avatar. im problably going to change it though. cool char, too much green,.
  5. newsgroups, and only newsgroups.
  6. I do kind of understand what he means. you have the "known" people and the less known. its not like people try to isolate others, but it just falls in that way, people are regulars, get known and usually fall into that popular status. anyway old pic of me. roughly the same though -10 pounds since that pic. http://www.geocities.com/kaioshade/S2010010.JPG me and my gf.
  7. No swapping is definitely a nice plus. however the swap magic discs do have their advantages. And the swap magic discs WILL boot original imports. I have tested this on 4 games, Dodonpachi daioujou, Beatmanix iidx 5th style, sengoku musou, and R-type final. And the hard drive doesnt have to pitch a fit when it detects a mod chip.
  8. Neo Geo is done. In all honesty i am kind of glad it is. Now they can focus on new hardware and use that to the fullest. who knows in another 10 year they will still be using the atomiswave board and kof2010 or something will be an amazing game.
  9. I understand. the point i was trying to make, is that no matter what the material, an iso image should be used. its universal, just about every burning program supports it, and there is no inherent problems with it. The only time i can see bin/cue as a viable solution is for games with redbook audio. which not since the early psx games it really hasnt been used much.
  10. I have only really played two characters in Guilty Gear XX/#R. Baiken and Potemkin Baiken can bring the pain hard. combo off her throw, counters, and her seals are a great way to cripple opponents. Chipp. take away his abilioty to jump. Stifle his mobility, and you will be dealing with a very frustratec chipp player. Sol, Ky, half of the rest of the cast? take away their special moves. If you really want to kill people, power up baiken from a counter, then do her super move. 3 slashes. itll kill just about ovber half of their life, even on heavy chars such as po, and anji.
  11. Definitely, sweeping in ggxx can lead to some serious combo opportunities. however, if he is talking about repeated sweeping, then the player prob isnt a good player. a good player would combo you out of the sweep. a scrub would try to sweep over and over, and thus would prob be more susceptible to wakeup tactics. And yes i did mean faultless defense. i just have a habit of calling it perfect guard. Dead angle attacks are very useful...IF you have the tension to spare. Also a surprise wakeup burst can be a deadly tool if used right. Not much damage but an instant full tension bar could easily tuen the tides into your favor. Its good to talk strategies with fellow fighting game fanatics.
  12. The format itself doesnt really matter. nrg, and cdi just have the multisession info in them. you could use a bin, iso or any other format, you will just have to multisession the disc yourself.
  13. I already listed two games that have counters for sweeps. In third strike, a low parry will completely screw up a sweep. You enemy's attack will be stunned for a second, allow you to basically get a free hit (or hell even a super move for some characters) at no extra rick. The same could be said for capcom vs snk 2. K and P grooves both allow advanced defending. K groove even punishes opponents for excessive repeated movements by giving you energy back on a successful parry/just defend. Guilty Gear XX/#R has perfect guard. Any attack, whether it be sweep or any other attack, they will be pushjed away, by the amount of pixel reach their sweep has, effectivemy making any future attempts at a sweep impossible, unless they walk foward and try to sweep you again, in which case you are ready for them at this point. King of fighters 2002 has the CD attack. simply block their sweep, and then CD them. they will get knocked back across the screen. Capcom vs SNk has the same thing. King Of Fighters 2003 has the assist tag, if you get swerpt once, start doing the motion for the tag assist. timed right as soon as you get up, the tag assist WILL take priority over the sweep and give you a free combo. Even for games that dont have "special" reversals, just use a wake up super move. Even back in the old street fighter games, a simple dragon punch will snuff a sweep from just about anyone.
  14. if we're going by "standards" then wouldnt that be iso? i would love to pack every single release as iso files. leave it to the end user to multisession their cds and self boot them. ps2 - iso xbox - iso pc - iso you think dreamcast is bad, look at psone. psone games are in jkust about every formet imaginable.
  15. which is why you only play games that are 480p. if only the ps2 had progressive scanning capabilities. then i would be a very happy gamer.
  16. ....or using sweeps constantly whenever the other player gets up. I don't think of that as a "skill". Reversals. Reversals. Reversals. What reversals? What game? Just about every 2D fighting game ever made. Yeah right....Like I could get the timing right every single time. which is what practice is for. do you know how many shotoscrubs i can shut down in third strike because they try to spam fireballs on the screen. it is very intimidating as well. this one guy walked away from an arcade i was playing because i parried his shinkuu hadoken. he was stunned. or even k groove in capcom vs snk 2. keep spamming fireballs, keep giving me energy back... trust me, skill will always win over cheapness.
  17. Wow master some grab cancels and you will be fine. Just about every fighting game has grab cancels. leran them and no one will be able to grab you. its really not as cheap as you think.
  18. It shouldnt be too hard. make a new forum, and have the mods move topics like that there. basically as soon as they lock it, it would get moved.
  19. Haven't seen volume 2 yet, but ill prob go see it this weeks ometime. i heard its a bit shorter than vol.1
  20. Fate-Stay Night OST Shikigami no Shiro 2 OST Twista - Kamikaze
  21. newegg.com only online site you will ever need.
  22. I like Virtua Fighter 4 as well as 3d games. My only problem with the majority of 3d games is for some reason i cant see myself getting better with them. I play guilty gear and practice. i see myself getting better through play against the computer and other human players. Something like vf or sc and i practice the same amount of tie and i see no improvement. every 3d game to me has severe balance issues. aside from capcom vs snk 2 (which i despise greatly) most 2d games i play ahve fairly good balance. And third strike is Perfection.
  23. I never introduced myself. not like it matters anymore. Anyway kaioshade, i help out on other forums. For a while i maintained the pcsxbox compatibility list at xbox-scene, until the idea was scrapped due to some factors. I help out at consoleparadise. nothing big. hi all.
  24. *clings to final fantasy xi* i swore i would never pay for an mmorpg. but ffxi i just simply love. so much to do in that game.
  25. Forum is fine as is. good people here. the lack of people just show who is here for the roms ad nothign else. the ones who stay and discuss things are the real members. only problem i ever had was my warning. ive seen plenty of toher people get off topic, but its not a big deal to me. i still love this placre.
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