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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Yea guys, its fake, even though just about every emulation site is claiming it as real.
  2. i was never a huge fan of paper mario, but its good to see thegamecube get another quality game.
  3. The xbox emulates handhelds just fine.
  4. Personally i think Enix produced games way better than anything square put out. Valkyrie profile murders just about every square game out there. i still love square though. FInal fantasy VII was gargabe. (no nyuuka youre not the only one who didnt like ffvii) Grandia (first one) also gets a mention. great story and very memorable characters. i like it better than the first two.
  5. SoulCalibur 2 is a test to see who can 100% combo you with cervantes or nightmare. heres a typical sc2 match: P1 picks character. P2 picks nightmare. P2 wins. Tekken is the same way P1 picks someone, P2 picks jin. P2 wins. Virtua Fighter, there is no clear winner before the round even begins. matches take skill and finesse to play. Just because someone picks akira or Lion doesnt automatically give them the match. Same thing goes for guilty gear. both capcom and snk are guilty of reusing sprites, but capcom does it WAY more than snk. ryu hasnt even gotten a slight change to his outfit since the beginning. at least Kyo gets cosmetic updates to his sprite.
  6. They're still newb. but they still make better fighting games than just about every company out there. and sammy doesnt make the games. arc system works does.
  7. I have always liked snk over any fighting game company. aside from art of fighting, breakers, world heroes, none of those were made by snk. last blade 2, garou, and king of fighters is better than anything capcom can ever produce. the only good fighting games capcom has produced are alpha 3 and third strike (which is near perfection) Capcom vs snk 2 was just garbage. 44 characters, who cares. pick sagat and blanka and youre done with the game. snk isnt like that. snk games are way more balanced (cheese bosses aside, because even capcom is guilty of that). as said before alpha 3 and third strike are prob the most balanced games capcom has produced. capcom doesnt make bad fighting games per say, but i dont think theyre nowhere near as good as people think. capcom makes games that people can pick up and play. i will play some capcom games occassionally, but when i want to be serious about a fighting game, ill play third strike, or king of fighters or guilty gear xx#R
  8. Fatal Frame. play the xbox version in 5.1. it will make your skin crawl.
  9. I am rained in akido for about 5 years. as far as interesting stories i havent really gotten into many confrontations, exceopt one time in school. this guy kept pestering me. eventually he started pushing me. i didnt even have to hit him back. using his own punches to toss him on the ground with mnimal effort was embarassment enough to make him stop.
  10. Avalaunch. Very flexible (MXM is TOO flexible imo) and easy to use.
  11. I have a duo chip, and have never had any problems with the console at all. First boot everything works perfectly.
  12. Generally it is kaioshade on all the games i play Final Fantasy XI and Natural Selection (which i dont play too often) is kaioshade.
  13. Wow, that is a lot of steps. but playing ffxi right now, but this should serve a good purpose. at least playing offline should be fun for a while.
  14. my gf goes to the arcades with me all the time. and she is pretty good too. she can beat the average player. not quite ready for high level comp though.
  15. Igniz on kof 2001. it just looks PAINFUL
  16. Oh. its not a problem. Actually i should have been more clear. i wouldnt trade my accent nor any part of me for the world. but the constant questions might make me consider it. i really dont have too much of a problem with my speech. its only a slight accent anyway. besides my gf loves it.
  17. Hahahahahahaha! Sorry dude, but I must admit that would look/sound pretty damn funny. its the bless/curse of being mixed.
  18. In the beginning, you only have a few characters. once you fully complete story mode (go through all paths) all characters become unlocked, all at once. there are then 16 characters to play as in the game. If you are interested, i could give you my cfg file with everything unlocked.
  19. Use dvd decrypter to burn nrg files. Had lots of nrg files. none of them gave me a problem once i ran them through dvdd
  20. Hey, as long as ppl get to play SF3 they'll be happy. I dont quite understand. its on the dc dirt cheap. a dc itself is dirt cherap. hell you can even copy the game if youre THAT cheap. why would you want to have a massive comp to play a game thet you can have (which is pretty much arcade perfect save for some 2/60 parry timing changes) which also has system direction, the single best thing tohave ina fighting game. in 3rd striked case, it makes absolutely NO sense. Id want to try warzard though.
  21. Some games are very easy to get into even if they are japanese language. Shooters in particular are easy imports. Most of them are almost 100% in english. Aside from 3 screens Dodonpachi Daioujou is 100% english. All the important things (options, menus) are usually in english. Fighters are pretty easy to get into as well. SVC Chaos for ps2 is just about 100% english as well. You can muck your way through racing games. But as Rag said, dont even try to attempy a rpg without japanese knowledge. It is very frustrating, but kind of fun to stumble around for a bit.
  22. Hmm this would be interesting. But considering there werent many cps3 games. I dont think too many people are going to go nuts over the roms.
  23. I want to get rid of my Japanese accent. It is not overbearing, but its there. You know how tiring it is explaining to people why a black guy has a japanese accent?
  24. I would not want tekken anywhere near virtua fighter. If they bring some tekken THREE chars (Tekken 4 was a joke) then i MIGHT play it.
  25. Play any Choanki game, its not only there, but BLATANT.
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