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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Going to go to work n30ghost?
  2. According to the people, it works just fine. If it works with the dinwos version, then maybe fbax will support it soon.
  3. Well, if this is any indication...
  4. Are they reliable? they have some very good prices on their merchandise. And before taking the plunge i would like to know.
  5. oh yea. that i know, but i was referring to the original single swap. I used to do it all the time to play dragonball z legends way back in 96. newer models are much more hard to do, youre better off just chipping the thing (its what like 4 easy as hell wires)
  6. Everyone has their choices, why knock them for it. personally i think mame is superior to other emus, but i dont discredit other emulators. i just like the fact that i dont have to switch everytime i want to play something different. cosmic_lord resize that pic please. lol
  7. I had this on my comp one time, but i have no idea what caused it or how to get rid of it. i just endured it until i switched drives, which i ended up doing 3 days later. Never saw the problem again. I also use mozilla as my browser. that problam i had while i was using IE.
  8. That is a known issue with dos mugen in xp. it will sound bad because of incompatibilities. Either use the linux version or dual boot with windows 98.
  9. I figured as Much, but i was curious. Doesnt matter, wont show up on it anyway.
  10. Geez, what time did this happen. I was up until 5am (EST) and i didnt see anything. wow must have been right after i went to sleep. Anyway, its going to suck to be him in a few hours...
  11. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...?showtopic=5107
  12. Does this add support for all games, or was just kof2003 implemented?
  13. Nothing wrong witht he arcade version at all. i was merely responding to his question, which was about the psone version.
  14. Maaya Sakamoto - Hemisphere Namie Amuro - Did U, Lovin It Utaka Hikaru - Deep RIver, Distance Dynasty Warriors 4 OST Manowar - Warriors of the World Kittie - Brackish Nas - God's Son
  15. Those were only for the first model playstations. that has since been fixed since the 5001 series psx's
  16. Your best two options are to get a nice solder chip (if you cant solder have someone do it for you) or get a no solder chip, but only if you have a 4-7 version ps2. they work pretty well.
  17. Anyone mind sharing their compiled mameox?
  18. Personally i dont mind the censorship, as pointless cursing doesnt really have a place on a forum. Some words get caught up in the filter, and its something ive learned to live with. its the price for people behind a monitor thinking their cool for spouting profanities every sentence.
  19. Nope. Considering there werent many good games for it, i doubt it will ever be emulated anytime in the near future. It just doesnt seem to be a high priority.
  20. I picked mine up off of usenet. Works like a charm.
  21. You know, i was thinking the same thing. I was taking a look at the windows PARTIAL source list of files, and all i was thinking was damn that must take forever!! then i look back at mame and count my blessings.
  22. Here is the reason i like mame. Note that although this is mame32, i do not use the gui version of mame. One of the things i like about mame is that it supports different configurations for each game. I just make a nice batch file for each game i use and double click that and launch the game with minimal fuss. mame kof2003 -joystick -resolution1024x768x32 -effect scan50 now say i play another game. instead of launching the emu, and going into settings and selecting different settings, i have another batch file mame ddonpach -joystick -resolution 800x600x32 -effect scan 25 I like that about mame. Mame, being opened source, i can add as much or as little as i want to the emu. I dont play midway games, so i delete the diver for them, and compile my own build. Mame is about what you want on it. As many games, or as little games as you want. Gui or command line. I like all emulators, but i do also like mame as an "all-in-one" solution, i dont like having much clutter on my pc, so one emu that does everything without having to switch emus is a nice bonus for me. If all i played was neo geo, then i would use one of the other emus, as mame would have no point. And mame still is the most accurate emulator available.
  23. Alpha 3 on psone is indeed a fine fighting game. Fairly balanced, with a nice assortment of characters. Head to a game store, it can't be more than 20 used.
  24. And companies wonder why people get the roms of so many games instead of buying the actual thing. Some people would actually buy the real thing, IF IT WAS AVAILABLE. That is alright. Microsoft will get it, most likely release it in North America (Metal slug 3 is getting superb treatment) and steal some of Sony's thunder. Perhaps after doing this a few times, Sony will wisen up.
  25. Yea. I think i get the reference if its from family guy. Dont take too much offense to it.
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