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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Not offended, but a correction. Ryu, Ken, Sean, Gouki, Sakura, Gen all use Ansatsuken. Shotokan is a mistake in translation. Ryu, Ken, Sean, Sakura = All modified not to kill. Kempo, Kyokugen, Tae Kwon Do mixed together. Akuma = Designed it to be the ulitiment art. Add Chinese Kempo. Gen = Designed to kill. Add acient fighting styles. Well noted. I knew there were some things in translation that were lost, but when i say shotos, i mainly refer to ryu/ken/akuma But thanks for clearing that up for me.
  2. I can see that. I mainly use windows for the same purpose. Games, and emus. Most of my "serious" stuff, i do in linux. although i will admit i dont use linux as much as windows, mainly because i play games and such more then i break out gimp or program.
  3. it pretty much goes like this sends (number sending/number available) Queues (number in queue/number of slots) so 1/3 sends would mean that the server is sending one file but can send 2 more. 5/30 queues would mean there are 5 people in queue right now, but 25 more slots are open. if you see 1/3 sends and 5/20 queues, you know only one person is on the server because its only sending one file to them at a time. if it were two different people, it would be 2/3 sends.
  4. Seems like you really hate windows ugenn
  5. Fanboys exist for all operating system. In all honesty, im surprised no MacOS people have come to crap on both os's. I like them all, use them all. The "war" is pointless for me.
  6. True. I try to use characters that do not follow those patterns. Karin, King, Makoto, etc. Most of the chars i use are more hand to hand oriented than projectile (king being the exception)
  7. Ugh, I hate marvel vs capcom 2 even more. I have actually built my tactics around shotokan chars. Ive seen way too many people wwho try to hadoken/shoryuken all the time. which is why in alpha 3 i learned karin (counters) and third strike i learned to parry.
  8. Agreed. I am getting a second 512 stick next week, so ill be at 1gb too. my vid card is only a gf4 mx 440 but it works for ut2k4, which is all that matters.
  9. Some nice systems around here. Never feel ashamed of your system as long as it does what you want, youre good.
  10. I actually like Ash. I know im in the minority with that, but i actually like his design, and his stance rules (at least i think so). I wish he wasnt a charge char, but then again he would be a little too overpowered.
  11. Unfortunately the sequel, while not quite as good as the first, never made it outside of japan. It is a nice game though.
  12. Karin, Sakura Before that, i mainly played chin li and then cammy. Cant stand the shotoscrubs. (sorry if that offends anyone)
  13. I happen to like windows. I do all my burning (linux doesnt like my burner) and gaming in windows. I do all my programming and artwork (as the screenshot shows) in linux. Best of both worlds. Why confine yourself to one os. use them all and reap the benefits.
  14. Try the built in sound plugin for it and see if that works. youve already tried the two "best" plugins, so all ic an offer is to try the built in sound plugin. What are your specs?
  15. Whats wrong with windows? what you want me to post my linux desktop? Screenshot edit by IJTF_Cinder: Use a link instead with such huge pictures. They complete screw the forum up and force dialup users to wait on huge images.
  16. Athlon Xp 2700+ 512 Mb Ram 60 Gb Hard drive TDK VeloCD Writer Buslink DVD-/+ RW MSI nforce 2 board
  17. The ultimate in neatmess... Screenshot edit by IJTF_Cinder: Use a link instead with such huge pictures. They complete screw the forum up and force dialup users to wait on huge images.
  18. Is this winmugen or the old dos version youre running in xp?
  19. Just use the japanese switch on it if you dont want to/cant use cheats. Its just about all in english (except the win quotes.)
  20. Umm...right. If youre getting the klez from that, then something is seriously wrong with your setup or where youre downloading it from.
  21. Are you sure you have sound plugins installed? That is usually the number one culprit of no sound on machines.
  22. chilling with my gf playing guilty gear xx simple vday no flowers, candy or any of that bs. we'll go out to eat tonight, and thenr eturn for some more video games.
  23. Usenet has it posted everywhere
  24. Valkyrie Profile OST
  25. im confused. in fact i dont think i want to know... anyway silent hill 4 does indeed look very good. i hope it has more shades of COLOR this time around.
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