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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Hmm. that sucks. my guess would be to try the manufacturers page and see what they have to say about it.
  2. The hacked Kawaks is a nice thing, but for just playing the games that are out now, the dev version is quite adequate. Although mame runs faster than kawaks for me. which is strange.
  3. Wonderful Emulator. I get a constant 60/60 fps on just about every comp i try it on. so far, not a single crash or anything from this emu.
  4. I never quite understood how people have so many problems with emulators.
  5. If you do use alcohol 120%, make sure you save it as an iso, not a mds file.
  6. Gunstar Heroes frickin rocks!!
  7. Panzer Bandit - Good little Beat em up., available only for Japan PSOne
  8. That is understandable. Good luck with everything.
  9. Unfortunately, my knowledge of these sort of things are very limited, so i have nothing to offer except my support.
  10. Agreed. I dont think there will be ANy shortage of people who would test something like this out for you.
  11. 400 dollars is still a bit too steep for that. Dont they have a switch to go back to 733 mhz anyway?
  12. I am a fan of Both virtual game station and epsxe. When i just want to pop in a game and play, ill use vgs, if i want some nice enhancements, i will go to epsxe.. I usually get good speeds from it, especially if i mount an image using alcohol.
  13. Congrats on getting a dev unit. Although i would no way in hell pay for something such as that, definitely a good find. Sell it on ebay, get tons of money for it, and just get a chipped psone.
  14. Personally i use record now max, but anything other than nero.
  15. Be nice guys. Anyway, your problem problably lies in lack of ram and hard drive space.
  16. Neorage X was always meant for low end computers. Mame was never meant for speed, but accuracy of emulation. So your comp will just have to keep up with mame.
  17. I still cant justify paying that much money for one of those things. Maybe on ebay i can find one a bit cheaper.
  18. I was thinking of doing the RAM upgrade. I just might now that kof2k3 can be placed on it.
  19. Best thing to do is compile it yourself. use the drivers from a windows version that has them unlocked and use that to run them.
  20. You can recompile FBAx with support for newer roms? that would be excellent. Have all the cave games and neo geo games on one emu. How would you go about doing this? i assume you need the xdk to do it?
  21. King Of Fighters 2002, but ONLY the Dreamcast version. I have no idea what SNK-Playmore were thinking taking King out. FOOLS!! At least they put her back in the dc version.
  22. or you can tsop flash your box. very easy.
  23. will the rom region be in a similar location, or is it in a seperate offset? thank you for answering all of these questions.
  24. i havent heard anything about it. I will check usenet and irc tonight. if its out, i know a few people who have it most likely, or cna at least confirm/deny their existance.
  25. ok, now i am having major problems. I deleted the saves folder, and used kawax plus. i renamed all the roms as they were supposed to be. upon loading it the roms show up, but NONE of them load, even games like metal slug 3 and waku waku 7. nothing loads. i compared it to the screenshots multiple times, nothing at all. why would ALL of my roms fail? edit* solved. still frustrating as hell. all it seemed to take was deleting the rompath.ini file and everything worked perfectly. i dont get it. then again its 6:am...
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