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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. 6'3" 260 lbs
  2. I left mainly because i dont game as much anymore. Came back to see some familiar faces and Fatal Rose hunted me down and threatened to beat me up unless i came back. lol.
  3. Mushihimesama on ultra mode. at least not on one credit.
  4. Radiant Silvergun and ESP Galuda. I never grow tired of those two games. Ikaruga is close as well.
  5. Never had much of a problem with service pack 2. id say go for it, but apply all sp1 patches. seems to make the transition smoother.
  6. I think the controller is genius. I think it might be a bit too drastic for a lot of people. If nintendo does it right. i think they will be fine.
  7. just output the signals to vga. instant hd. its what i do with all my consoles. a little solder and schematics and you can use any current console on your vga monitor at 480p and up.
  8. There are torrents for it everywhere. Just use one of those. Excellent game btw.
  9. I could be wrong, but i believe the story is based on the kyo, iori, and chizuru ending
  10. I never said gg had better animation. mb has way better animation than gg. all i said was the sprites look better. thats all. no matter what tricks tactice they use for resizign and whatnot, gg sprites look better in the end. they animate like crap, but look better than almost anything out there. But there is no arguing with you.
  11. Excuse me, do you or did play MB on a TV Screen? NO. If you played GG at it's original resolution on a VGA Monitor it's blocky like MB. You fail at knowing so stfu. You know whats a better animated fighter? Street Fighter 3. Thats animation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually i have run mb through my tv, as well as party's breaker. and i have run both through through vga as well. i have run pc version of ggxx#r, and ps2 through vga, and xbox through vga through my own made vga cable. I have seen every way which they can be seen. GG sprites are better than mb sprites. And the insult was unnecessary. And yes thirs strike animates better than them all. thats a given
  12. ok i know you hate guilty gear and all, but there is no way in hell queen of fighters looks better than guilty gear. Perhaps the backgrounds, but there is no way in hell the sprites in either mb or qoh look better than gg. animate better, maybe (CIEL!!), but look better? not by a mile.
  13. I wouldnt put too much stock in a few screens. things improve ten fold from first screens. Just think of it as concept pics.
  14. Sparking is starting to remind me of a fusion of the snes games, with the split screens and legends which was a bit more free roaming. If they pull it off, they could have a hit. and who cares of dbz is "dead" Astro boy was "dead" and that didnt stop omega factor from ruling the gba.
  15. I honestly dont know. A few games i have stopped the timer. Radiant Silvergun - At least a thousand hours into the game. it stopped at 999:99:999 Gradius V - Still playing it, but so far i have racked up about 600 hours in the game.
  16. The only reason a lot of people like KataDama is because it has that "niche" factor and people can say theyre "hardcore" because they like "that oddball game" Its a decent game, nothing more.
  17. i still use 2.91. does what i need, encoding and all.
  18. Geez what ever happenned to plin old winamp. All these extraneous programs for nothing.
  19. Movies, warez. Music is at an all time low people! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> P2P sucks. Usenet. simple enough. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> or just order the fuucken cd's off of fuucken ebay or something or check if columbia house still exists lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am talking about movies. I mainly listen to indy artists and vg music anyway.
  20. Icons suck http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y55/kaioshade/desktop2.jpg
  21. Movies, warez. Music is at an all time low people! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> P2P sucks. Usenet. simple enough.
  22. Is this supposed to scare people? This is weak. Besides thats what people get for using p2p software anyway.
  23. Hmm, cant watch it for some reason. oh well.
  24. Heh you cant deny the technical aspects of the video, it was well done.
  25. Dont get your hopes up. just working at a game store does NOT guarantee you a spot at e3. It is usually the managers and regionals that get to go. If all it took was a job at some game store, there would be a LOT more kiddies at e3, something they do not want.
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