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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Geez. but it does give you something to shoot for.
  2. If the atomiswave has dips for 31khz and 15khz inputs, does that mean this thing supports native vga? if so, i am SO getting one so fast.
  3. Any stealth iv chip will work.
  4. You cant burn the bootdisc. A bootdisc is suppossed ot replace a modchip for swapping. you cant run a copy of something that was going to allow you to run copies in the first place.
  5. Snes: Darius Twin Seiken Densetsu 2 Seiken Densetsu 3 Tales of Phantasia Tetris Attack Tetris & Dr.Mario Top Gear 2 Axelay Zombies Ate My Neighbors Final Fantasy VI Genesis Gunstar Heroes Cyborg Justice
  6. Zelda: Minnish Cap (this game really surprised me) Kingdom Hearts: COM (it doe sget repetetive, but damn if it isnt fun) FFI+II Dawn OF Souls (having never played Orgins to its fullest, i like the quality of these ports) Kidou Tenshi: Angelic Layer (awesome game based on the anime) Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki (a bit easier than FE7, but still damn good nontheless)
  7. Linksys or Belkin. both are really good makes.
  8. So much hate for ffta. i consider it just as good as the other srpgs on the gba. theyre all good for different reasons.
  9. Wow i dont think ive ever seen such hate for a jrpg in a while. either way i play and enjoy both. neverwinter ngihts sucked many hours of my life away, just like any other jrpg
  10. I second Battle Royale 1 + 2. Part 1 was better, but was still good. Also: The Returners Casshern Azumi Storm Riders Onmyouji Whasango
  11. Yea, like i said some people will absolutely hate the dialogue but some will just laugh and play. Compared to other mech games, there are better, but for the xbox, it ranks at the top.
  12. Real Crystal. notice the microsoft logo on the top of the case (backwards, as it was engraved from the inside) and those "crappy circles" are present on all xboxes, just since its clear you can see them.
  13. And here is my modded crystal xbox. well not really modded, but painted.
  14. It was/still is fast as hell though. But yea, DDR ram has soundly beaten it.
  15. They work fine, but at a reduced speed.
  16. Menus and text are in Japanese. Dialogue is in english. The game is fairly easy to get into and understand once you figure things out. it isnt too compicated.
  17. Terrorism has been a hard subject to tread recently, in light of recent events. Many developers shy away from the subject for fear of possible backlash. From Software takes this subject, with a lighthearted and almost satirical flavor. "Just another day at the office, huh Mr. President?" The United States government has fallen to a coup d’état in the year 2040. The last hope for the United States of America rests in the hands of one person: The 47th President of The united States. Piloting an experimental mechanized weapon, code named, appropriately enough, "Metal Wolf", The President will single-handedly take back the United Stated from the Terrorists. "Mr.President, We've got company!" The gameplay in Metal wolf Chaos is familiar to anyone who has played The Armored Core Series mission segments. Players take control of the Metal Wolf and make their way through various locales completing various objectives and collecting items and exploring the terrain. Some of these objectives are very straightfoward, such as making your way to a certain point and destroying a certain structure/enemy to rescue/protect missions. One such objective pits the Metal Wolf against a horde of enemies intent on destroying Air Force One. You must protect Air Force One until it is ready for takeoff. Controls are easy enough to get in to, and familiar to anyone who has played Armored Core or any first person shooter on a dual analog setup before. The left analog stick controls the lateral (strafing) motion of the Metal Wolf, while the right analog stick is used for aiming. The A button is used for jumping, X is boost, Y is crash. The L and R buttons fire the left anf right shoulder weapons. Switching weapons is accomplished by pressing the B button, then Pressing L and R to cycle through available weaponry for each shoulder. Pressing B again completes the selection. This is all done on the fly. Each shoulder is capable of holding 4 different weapons initially, however some weapons, such as the sniper rifle, will use one slot on each arm.. Borrowing a page from Otogi, health is managed in similar fashion. The Metal Wolf has a limited stock of "hit points" with a rechargeable shield. Getting hit will degenerate your shield, but lack of damage will restore the shield. If the bar is damaged enough and is completely depleted, 1 life stock is lost. Boosting while getting a good speed boost, must be used carefully. After the initial boost meter is depleted, your shields will start to diminish, and heavy boosting in a large firefight can quickly turn deadly for the Metal Wolf. Weapons are purchased through the garage using points gained from the previous missions. Points are awarded for destruction, chains and clear time. The better you do in all categories, the more points awarded at the end of each stage. Missions are repeatable for those wanting to stock up on points for that difficult mission that may lie ahead. "How's the view, Mr.President?" Graphically, Metal Wolf Chaos is very impressive. Using the engine powering the Otogi games, just about everything is destructible, resulting in fires, explosions and sparks flying about the screen, with nary a hint of slowdown. The frame rate remains steady throughout most of the game, only dipping very seldom on the most extreme explosions. It is not very noticeable, however. Everything is animated very well, with even the smallest foot soldiers receiving plenty of animation and variety. The Metal Wolf model however is of particular note. In almost comic book fashion, switching weapons will open the shoulder packs, bringing forth a spew of weapons, rotating as you choose them, the folding neatly back up in the shoulder packs as Metal Wolf continues his path of destruction. The environments are very detailed as well. The first level takes place right on the white house grounds, and while some liberties have been taken as to design aesthetics, a player can easily tell the locale being presented to them. Dashing through the Lincoln memorial, avoiding choppers, or tearing through the streets of Chinatown in San Francisco, each location is varied enough to keep the game fresh and inviting. "You guys are roast chicken! The voice acting is Metal Wolf Chaos is different. Everyone seems over the top, and the President is laced with One liners such as "Bingo" and "Let's Party!". Some, expecting a more serious mecha game, may be put off by the cheesy dialogue , but some may laugh right beside it. It adds to the overall lighthearted atmosphere of the game. Most enemies make suitable cries of pain when struck and Explosions are deep and convincing, and really gets you into the chaos you are creating in the environments. Opting for a more rock themed soundtrack, Most of the music is well done, but there isnt much that will really stand out among the soundtrack. Fortunately, for those who may get tired of the soundtrack or those who hate this type of music completely, Metal Wolf Chaos offers a custom soundtrack option, something not enough Xbox games offer, and seeing it in a title like this is a very welcome addition. "I don't think that will help your re-election campaign, Mr. President" There are a few downsides to Metal Wolf Chaos. One of the biggest drawbacks is the weapon switching, as nice as it looks, having all those weapons sprawled out on the screen can sometimes obscure the view of the action on the screen. An uncaught missile or hazard can quickly drain your health. This issue becomes less of a problem later on, as once you learn your own weapon configurations, players will be able to switch fairly quickly, and not miss a beat. Weapon switching will not allow you to choose only one weapon. It is not possible to switch the right weapon while still covering yourself with the left weapon. Movement is still possible however, so players will not be stuck there while they switch. The effects, while being very well done, can sometimes obscure the view of the action, especially in close/closed quarters. Explosions and effects dissipate fairly quickly however, but the issue is still there. "You've got my vote, Mr.President" Gamers have been hoping that the Armored Core series would make it to the Xbox eventually. While Metal Wolf Chaos is no Armored Core, it is a fine example of mech action that does not take itself too seriously, and in this genre that is a breath of fresh air. After the promising but ultimately disappointing Murakumo, Xbox owners have a great mecha game to treat their console to. Controls: -- 9 Gameplay: -- 9 Graphics: -- 9 Sound: -- 9 Overall Score: -- 9 Grade: -- A Overall I give this game a
  18. Neither can i, but it is good for some laughs.
  19. That just made my morning.
  20. There are also two versions of the philips drive as well. there have been two revisions of all 3 drives, alternating between crappy and excellent.
  21. Very nice. Its good to see something strived for finally accomplished.
  22. Geez and i just went there yesterday Why does it redirect to google...
  23. Do Not forget that there are two different brand of thomson drives. One of them is complete crap, the newer ones are much better.
  24. I must be the only person here who actuallt likes eq2 over wow. I hate that everyone in wow looks the same. not enough customizations. And as much as i hate grinding, its TOO easy to level. I went out and bought both games, but eq2 is staying on my comp
  25. Is it so hard to believe someone has a crystal xbox? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol. It was a (poor) joke. Hell, I'd believe him if he told me he had a crystal ball. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah. just after hovering on some forums, its kind of hard to tell sometimes. my apologies. I havent modded my current xbox yet, aside from placing a new led in the front. My old xbox which i sold had dvd, hard drive and lan led lights. Im not bold enough to go dremeling around my crystal xbox and start adding stuff like that in.
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