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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Is it so hard to believe someone has a crystal xbox?
  2. It may be old, but damn is that funny.
  3. Personally i dont know the track names from the Korean GGXX#R i only have the mp3s on my comp after ripping them from the xbox disc. But i do like the Korean OST, especially one song, which is simply named k33 on the disc. i wish i knew the name to it.
  4. Yup, you can skate backwards in Future as well. I prefer Future over the original, but the original is still very much fun. Future is set up the way it is because it would not work any other way. In Future there are many, many points where you are tagging while grinding. There is no way you can perform analog motions moving at that speed. Like other posters have said, one button gringing keeps the fast smooth pace of the game. And the two games focus on challenge on a different way. In the first game, your main enemies were the timer and the random incarnations of law enforcement out to stop you from performing complicated tagging sequences. In future, the environment itself was your challenge. Getting from point a to b was a real challenge in some levels. Getting that last tag, or graffiti soul was where theyt focused their challenge efforts into.
  5. Not surprised in the least. Not to this extent, but i remember all the complaints the gba sp had about the screen having dead pixels and dust behind the screen. hopefully all of these issues are ironed out soon.
  6. I will admit that unreal tournament 2k4 is a very good game, but like others, i do have a soft spot for the original ut, and it is still m favorite out of all. But most of my friends will not play the original with me, so i am stuck playing 2k3/2k4
  7. Dont get me wrong, you dont like, you dont like it, thats no biggie, i was just expressing how i felt about it. Hell it wasnt very popular, you can pick up the game used for like 7.99 from most places now.
  8. Which is why you get a muvo tx.
  9. Assellus IS God, I agree. And upon playing it again, Unlimited SaGa isn't really that bad. But it's still weird... And it has that reel system, which is weird. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The whell system is too random. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought so as well the first time i played it, but then the more i spent with it, the more i realized it isnt completely different than shadowhearts, where the right timing (stopping the wheel) yields different results. U.S. just takes it much much further.
  10. Shiki, well that is good. Personally i think the roster is very nice. I personally have never been a fan of grappler chars so their "absence" doesnt bother me one bit. I will most likely be getting this the day it hits arcades.
  11. If you are doing straight dvd-dvd copying, i would recommend dvd decrypter. if you are doing dl-dvd then dvd shrink in conjunction with dvdc.
  12. In My World, EVERYTHING Is Freeware. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lol yea. But dvdc also does a very good job burning isos too. has a very small install and is very resource friendly. Plus it has very advanced ripping features.
  13. People around where i live got arrested for fighting and general rowdiness. I was working when most of the sales were going on so i have to deal with my own breed of people coming into getting everything in sight. Nothing huge was on sale so it wasnt as bad as it could have been.
  14. I would have to agree. I am almost ashamed to place my own reviews here. Seems you have created a standard with reviews here.
  15. Metal Wolf Chaos *completed* Gradius V Dodonpachi Daioujou ESPGaluda Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within Phantom Dust
  16. I have to be the only person alive who likes unlimited SaGa. Then again I have liked most of the saga series. 2,3 and frontier 1 were my favorites. Asellus is GOD.
  17. My best wishes to Chris. I have never been a very religious person, but i will keep him in my thoughts and hope for a recovery.
  18. Firefox doesnt need to be installed. just unzip it.
  19. DVD Decrypter (my choice for burning) will also handle those file formats. DVDC is also freeware.
  20. Coming from someone who has a 440mx on one of his computers. A 440mx will handle UT2K4 just fine at 1024 medium settings. Halo however is a different story. due to the mass amount of shaders it employs, it will bring the 440mx crying to its knees.
  21. I would recommend no less than 1 gb of ram. Preferably 1.5-2.0 gb of ram for optimal performance.
  22. Yup. They are all the same.
  23. Shikigami No Shiro 2 has no english storyline. The name USA is just the name of the release group that put out the game. Shiki 2 is getting a US release later on however so all hope isnt lost.
  24. One day....I will have my g-darius with sound...One day...
  25. I have the same ffling. All i want to do is either sleep or build computers for no apparent reason. I havent hung out with friends as much, its just been blah. Right now what keeps me going is finishing school and not turning out to be a bum. That and getting my rent paid.
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