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Everything posted by kaioshade

  1. Dodonpachi Daioujou ESP Galuda Unlimited SaGa Buile Baku Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors) Only reson to own a ps2. Alsof or gradius v when it arrives.
  2. The picture will always look crappy if you arent using component video.
  3. ok, i really need to get the 128mb upgrade in my xbox. i dont know if im quite brave enough to do it myself...
  4. When i said original i meant the original version, not the original disc. yes it will install and play fine regardless. However there is also one caveat as well. you must have the newest version of the original melty blood to upgrade to re.act. after installing the original melty blood, find the newest patch, nero0623. that will bring melty blood up to the newest version.
  5. You know i specifically telling this to everyone in the irc chan. i gave people the link ot the demo and lots to the torrent. i also said to get the originals.
  6. Re.ACT is the best fighter out.
  7. You have been misinformed somehow. There is a thread relating to mods not working with 64 pin Saturns on SegaXtreme, but it's only if you do the A+B method that it doesn't work. This has had enough people wondering if a mod chip will work on their 64 pin Saturn, simple answer.........Yes, if you don't try to take the shortcut way around by doing the A+B method (I don't recommend this EVER anyway, the chip isn't designed to work like that, some people just got lucky) The other thing some people experience their chips not working because of, is a certain model that merely requires bridging a gap on the other side of the mod chip. I actually had a 64 pin saturn, and without doing the bridge it would not work. This was a Hi-Saturn btw. Tried it on a normal saturn and it worked just fine.
  8. King. That will be all.
  9. Burn ikaruga using either alcohol 120% using raw modes.
  10. You can easily give any user the same power as an admin on xp systems, making the whole admin thing a moot point.
  11. are you talking about.sub files? To my knowledge isos that have patched to them are but in.sub format. they are in ppf format.. .sub fles are subchannel data, used in conjuntion with some burning tools to properly isure the disc is getting wirtten exactly as an original.
  12. Saturn Modchips are extremely easy to install. One or two wires, depending on how you wire up the modchip. However be prepared, you may have a model 2 saturn, but some mods do not like to work with 64 pin saturns. if you want complete compatibility, make sure you have a 32-pin saturn.
  13. Found a ps2 in the garbage. Fished it out. the door wouldnt work at all. it would make this grinding noise whenevert you tried to power the thing on. turns out a smoker had owned the ps2 and there were ashes everywhere in the thing, including the drive rails. I cleaned the drive rails off, put some oil on them, and booted up a game. worked. dvd worked. everything worked flawlessly. free ps2.
  14. Anything except olives. im allergic to them but ill always love chicken and shrimp on my pizza.
  15. I love how everyone claims to be gamers, and the first thing out of their mouths is "eew the graphics suck!" since when did graphics matter so much?
  16. Another day, another relase. im just wondering when pgm emulation will be in place.
  17. Ringu 2 sucked hard. im not expecting much from this one.
  18. Weirdanzeige, download xchat. completely free irc client.
  19. ok what is it, do cats like to piss on ps2's or something. friend of mine, his cat did the same thing....
  20. About time. i love my ps2, but sony has been pissing me off severely recently. and the more i think abotu the more i realize the ps2 isnt half as good as sony makes it out to be.
  21. Either way, im glad you fixed it.
  22. If youre hellbent on mp3 players, then the ipod is a fine choice. but i must be the only person who prefers minidisc over mp3 players.
  23. Silvergun is all i need in this world.
  24. Wow. very interesting. i know a few of my imported games i would love to have ont here, so i wouldnt need to cart them around
  25. I use whatever suits me at the time. im running a 9500 pro right now, upgraded froma geforce ti4200. i have an athlon xp 2700+ upgraded from a p4 1.8 for me, they both perform well, and each run equally stable for me.
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