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Everything posted by diablo_dava

  1. i changed screensize = 0 (set 1 if u want full screen, 0 if u dont want full) but it is still full
  2. Hi! I downloaded eve battle screenpack recently but eve battle makes me play on the complete screen, wich i dont like cuz, i want to check moves for characters while im playing, so my question is: How do i change screensize?
  3. can u tell me where to find peter griffin and other "nice" (mean funny xD) characters
  4. I found eve battle screenpack, i have fixed characters now, dont worry but when i play on mugen, i cant choose character, there are only ? signs, plz help
  5. screen pack? what does it do? how do i install screen pack? i have done this but it wont work:
  6. screen pack? what does it do?
  7. Hi! I added 1 character to my winmugen and then i wanted to add more, but when i do that, they wont appear in game, i have done this: what should i do? please reply, i need help!
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