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Everything posted by COCOPUFFS

  1. id have to say Roms. Only becouse i can get them without paying anything
  2. definatly SNES. it had more games that i cared about, my geneises has been setting in the attic for years, while my SNES is still pluged into a tv. that alone should tell which one i like better.
  3. yea i like the snowflakes. heh i put some on my forums and everyone was complaining to take them down
  4. i want to be in. but i have never played a game with someone else like this before so im not exactly sure how to do it.
  5. i think this template looks really good compared to the original subsilver stuff
  6. how do you use FTP everytime i click on cinder's FTP links they dont work
  7. did a search on this site at google and this is what i found. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/mess...ge=5462&topic=3 that topic is 4 pages long about this site. also did a search on register.com with 8march2003.com and his name was well hidden that site was registerd through godaddy.com and there was no info on him watsoever[/url]
  8. wow. dont know what to say about that.
  9. phpBB is free i just set some up for my website the other day. if you would like i could set you up one as well. to see mine go to http://www.geocities.com/cocopuffs_9 and click on forums[/url]
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