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Everything posted by Baseley09

  1. Metal Marines (snes) by Namco??
  2. Virtual ON : Cyber Troopers I finnished it recently too its sooo goood
  3. My dad buys my modern bootleg games for me, i'm sure he's not fussed about emulation:lol:
  4. Silence n00bz!! SSVZ will be undumpable, i'm hiding all the MVS carts in Emsleys ass, all the AES in Gamecops, with IJTF_Cinder as their guardian.
  5. What was it!?! Damn dreamcastloving guy your getting slow:lol:
  6. http://www.arcadeathome.com/forums/viewthr...d.php?tid=34594 OMG NEW NEO GEO ROM!?? That's right, a buddy over @ neogeo.com kindly has had his prototype MVS cart of the puzzle game "Zintrick" dumped. How many protos of this cart there are is unclear, the game was only officially available in Japan only for the Neo Geo CD, in limited quantities at that, so this is a real rare treat:) There is no music, but the sound & speech is present. The rom weighs in around 2MB and is playable immediately in NeorageX PM for link of course;) Plays kind of like a flipped version of Puyo Puyo, some screens for your pleasure:
  7. Although it rearranges some history, the first Burton Movie pwns life itself, for the Prince soundtrack alone;)
  8. Valis series on PC Engine, tho III on Megadrive & IV on SFaficom are r0x0xz
  9. Wasting my hate. Their Whisky in the jar cover isa pretty good too.
  10. NEVERRRRR!!!! Is the rom thing here still working??? Wasnt it updated by Solidus, where is he??
  11. I heard Sam Fox was a lesbien these days, shes a bit funny but id still hit her, both with my **** and a lump of iron. I think the dude i was thinking of is Sgt.Sarros or something, i forget, had a blue wolf avitar, used A@H for a bit... wheres Cinder & Alexis too??
  12. It's unclear what format this will be on, rumours suggest it could be ported to the Atomiswave hardware, though i suspect that is false. The reason the PS2 version was pushed back until June could be that it will be this arranged version. The bloody fekkers bettre give us a translation this time.
  13. What happened!?! This was great, i think Swampthing is right, lets continue... where is DCLover?
  14. Prolly gonna see him @ this years Isle of Wight festival, could be my last chancde hes no exactly a freshman anymore. I have around 14 DB LP's, most on vynal, could say i'm a mild fan;) The Reality album was pretty good, it eliminated the cheese that was some of Heathen, yet some Heathen seems a better album, perhaps Reality was too straight forward.
  15. Howdy dudes, whts going on around here?? Loads of unfamilliar names, look like Gamecops done quite well getting peeps in here....... Are Dreamcastlover, Swampthing,Alexis etc around here?? Who was the guy that used to have a blue dog as his ava, Sgt something??? anyway, touch me up !!!
  16. OMG this needs mirroring Gamecop someone do it for the love of chazz!!111
  17. I play it on my PAL DC..........in fact i dont play it cause its all in unreadable japanese and its all too complicated to be any fun. But it works with the DC-X import player disk, Utopia doesnt boot allimports.
  18. Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer Jackson - Leave me alone
  19. Terrence Trent Bogard:lol:
  20. If you dig Metal Slug, check out Gunforce 2 in MAME by most of the same programming team;)
  21. Woah this could be tough............ Crazy Cars 2??
  22. Yo you can also use the standard Nebula cps/neo emu, just put the neocd.zip bios in the roms folder, click "ALL" on the games list, scroll down to neogeocd & play. It will say an error but will run normally, v.good.
  23. BOO & HISS @ Cinder:lol:
  24. Think he's right, come on slow coach, lets av another!
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