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Everything posted by Baseley09

  1. Yeah i noticed, ive never seen that fesature before, u click the "web" icon in a reply to do it. Anyway, Matrimelee ROM AT http://members.lycos.co.uk/neocream/phpBB2/index.php
  2. You can get it fromNeocream for Neorage or Kawaks, in the ROMS section.
  3. Ringo Star's Jesus Adventure
  4. Damn Cinder got there!! That last Gunship was a fluke guess, ive never played or seen it ROFL
  5. You cant use Amiga floppies on a PC disk drive.....no way. Perhaps you can hook up an external Amiga floppy drive, to mke a.ADF image or run directlyi'm not sure. Or you could dl the rom for WINUAE, or WINFLLOW emu's.
  6. Wario's Woods Funny, i only downlosaded it yesterday...........lucky me
  7. OMG dude that is a hardcore question!!!! I can't deal with making this descision lol I watch TV over playing video games, but sometimes have music on, and tv will i net surf gonna pick............ Music TV
  8. Stunt Car Racer Looks like an 8 bit version, i had it on Amstrad CPC 464 and that aint it, from the chunky /midly pink gfx, i'd say C64 version
  9. Soon : Ultimate Warrior You know it.
  10. I'm about 70 off a full set of Marvel Transformers comics, i started getting them when i was 5, havnt boufght any in maybe 10 years....
  11. Panzer Dragoon Mini on Game Gear
  12. Tempo on 32X Guessen ze dis one :
  13. The official Sega Dreamcast wheel.........Crazy Taxi on on it ws likr omfg wtf roX. The megadrive power stick i just got, and it does Rox omfg hard.
  14. SEGA - Arcade legacy. DC, Saturn & Megadrive, the best consoles of there generation, best music producers. SNK - Having a console that has lasted 12 years and counting, great arcade games, particullarly the sound production around 1996. HUDSON SOFT - First party producer of the PC Engine, how many games of equal quality they released from 1987 - 1994 on the machine is unbelievable, may have calmed down in recent years, but still ROX
  15. No order : Iss Pro Evo (psone Champman Castlevania / Dracula (dunno which) Sonic (most, but 2 mainly) SSF2TX Panzer Dragoon Saga Scud Race/Sega Super GT Daytona USA ISS (snes) Valis III
  16. Wimps I hail from that place, but i like here too. I think as people get older (me included) slower & friendlier places become more appealing. Not that i'm old
  17. woah buddy, i thought you had been lost in the internet sands of time, where you been??? Anyway, rock on dudes
  18. YEAH Neocream w00t! Kill ze advert, common Gamecop, i know you get these skillz.
  19. w0rd up geeeez, Baz s back in town, whats going on?? The 1 emulation planet pic thing looks cool, though when i logged in i see my thing is still the silver emulforums thing with Ryu, which i always liked. Dunno why i havnt been here in ages, i guess too many places too sift through. Edit : lol, my avitar edit : lol when i said e m u l f o r u m s, it came out as the new thing.
  20. My dream Yuko from Valis....... Followed by the red headed Lena from Valis IV
  21. Its hard to tell as i get bored of stuff for age, them love it later on...... 1)David Bowie - Scary Monsters 2)G'n'R - Appetite for Destruction 3)Prince - Purple Rain 4)Nirvana - Bleach 5)Blur - blur Special mentions: 6)DuranDuran - Rio 7)David Bowie - most of his other albums 8)Nirvana - Hoarmoaning/Insesticide/Outsesticide I - III 9)Supergrass - I should Coco 10)Michael Jackson - Bad
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