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Everything posted by Baseley09

  1. Lol, is it too early to talk about regenerated players? Kluivert till on mental amount of goals syndrome eh??............... i think Barca should be "toned down", cause they are week really these days, i dont wanna see Kluivert scoring 60 goals a season fo them as usuall.
  2. Hahaha i need no tactics help as i am the experience pro champ man!!!!! Any how, can u shed some light on the bugs before i shell out the cash?? I have the demo, but havnt got very far, tho i havnt seen any bugs so far., Im not too keen on the "match" either
  3. I like the Namco "normal" fighter on SFC/SNES, coll gfx, regular SF2 gameplat, pretty cool. The "stategic" fighter one is cool too. the treasure MD/Gen one was well too hard for me, i got my ass owned. still cool tho.
  4. yeah im a rokkin mo fo in Portsmouth England Im a english n media degree student in my 2nd year of 3 i got loads of consoles n hundreds o games n i dont play any of em i collect music from 70's till now n got loads of LP's, loads o 80's rock n alternative pop. I do actually like older women.
  5. Mine's a freakin pit of dispare, leads, controllers consoles n crap all piled on top of eah other in some sort of mechanical mess like in Tetsuo Iron Man. Like Gamecop, dust prevails due to all the magnets i guess, i clean it one day but it's all back the next
  6. Get ALL the info and news on Matrimilee here, as it gets updated http://members.lycos.co.uk/neocream/phpBB2...ewtopic.php?t=9
  7. yeah it was meant to come out but...............it wont
  8. Im not talking to anyone who plays FIFA, you should no better unless u wanna ginve FIFA98:TRTTWC a run out on PSX, the only one i will let people talk about in my presence.
  9. ISS Pro Evolution Soccer is the fgootball game of life. There is no need for other games in my life....but there are. Like PANZER DRAGOON
  10. lookin hot there Elms.......... the pics would take up MUCH less space if they were jpegs u know.
  11. tssk, that guy in blue is such a brown nose
  12. Yep, thats about right........the sleeping with kids thing is dodgy, hard to tell, but i dont think he does anything he shouldnt be doing. As far as anything else goes he is a world phenomenon who is the greatsest pop star and entertainer earth has seen
  13. I agree that as a 2d machines its arse..... but checkout V-Rally and Sega Rally to see that it can match the PSone for 3d, certainly not bad for a crappy handheld.
  14. dunno what you mean about 12bit advance/sp, they are 32bit personaly i dont go much on recent GB's, so i vote the original
  15. Woah your sig pic is amazing Snafu, what did u use to make it??
  16. To all those Nirvana fans or those looking to get into it, this place has EVERY NIRVANA MP3, all imports, live takes, out takes and albums, just gotta reaname the file.MP3 Enjoy, i know i am!! http://kurtcobain.wz.cz/index2.htm
  17. hahah i used to get that all the time too... i'd be looking down typing, but in the meantime a pop up had come into focus and meant i wasnt typing anything!!!! grrrrrrrrrr I soon got over it though.
  18. A@H Then Neogeo.com(sorry, i know not on list) Then here. Thats for posting, but i will say that this is the best site out of those due to the gameshare and hub etc...
  19. Its a good idea, trhe emulforums name is good, but a change would be a possitive move for this site in the right direction. Just some thrown together ideas: Lazer emu / emulazer emucult dunno..
  20. Well we know its definately lost a bit of its sparkle. It may also have its problems.......... But is here anywhere better?
  21. Ooooooo now i'm mesmirised. enjoy your stay, just watch out for david.
  22. Baseley09 is the royal owner of them all. You know what you can do: Vote Baseley09, the sensible English guy(moc a moc)
  23. Yo Vinion, welcome to the house of fun
  24. Portsmouth. This is the Cathederal in Old Portsmouth, i live just --------------> The "poimt" by the sea, around the corner from the cathederal above The centre of comerce : Commercial road at xmas Fratton, the most densely populated place in europe:
  25. Well here's to the future! Cheers
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