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Everything posted by Baseley09

  1. Cool, looks like there is support for this idea, there is enough shjt out there. 1) dont be afraid of machines you dont know. 2) just because you dont know, doesnt mean they are crap, i.e. there are machine more powerfull tha NEO GEO for 2d gaming that should not be dissmissed. I can always help on jap computer emulation, give it a chance, when u see the power, you will wet your pants. PS......i cant help you if you wet your pants.
  2. goodwidows = oximoron Sorry if you dont understand, but i am an english scholar. Still most of you should, and my speliing sux.
  3. Im with Cinder on this one. A section for microcomputers and "other", i.e. the machines Cinder suggested would be whey cool. Theres a load of great emulation that people dont get the chance to see, or there is not enough support form, i.e. for Amstrad CPC and Amiga etc... Please.
  4. Nah, no mods needed, the Pc Engine cd plays back ups, usa cds and jap cds. Same for usa Turboduo, but usa machines cant play jap hicards and visa - versa.
  5. Im doing a degree in Media & English Literature. Money money comes in the form of a student loan. Im going to rock the world, he Emsley, you could be my roadie!!
  6. Yeah, i saw the "moved" the man incharged of japan Xbox into "a new role". Sold a pathetic 300,000 compared to the 1,000,000 PS2s sold in the time since release.
  7. NO NO NO NO NO!!! what kinda newbie are you? You can't say that name around here! From here on out, we'll only call him "TIMMAH!", got it? I take my orders from a higher source
  8. Baseley09 IT"S GREAT TO SEE YOU PART OF THIS FORUM NOW, thanks for being here. No probs, the pleasure is mine. A man cant be repressed by Tim Eckels Nazi regeim all his life
  9. I got a weird phone call from some guy in Tunisia who said " there's this Emulforum place and someone there is selling some hot crack real cheap" I still dont know which member he means, or how he got my phone number?
  10. Sit down and shut up Eugen Popovici, your going nowhere. Thats an order.
  11. Cheers dude, looks pretty complete.
  12. Yo patchin dudes. Anyone follow translation progress?? If so, does anyone know if there is a 85-100% translation of Treasure Hunter G out there or is progress doing well. A link for the translation patch would be cool. Cheers.
  13. In England, we have the best TV in the world, without cable/digital I love tv, cant watch enough.
  14. This ones much better. Great work.
  15. Sure, ive had a PC Engine since 1992. One of the greatest machines ever.Id recomend: Dracula X Spriggan mark II Valis (any, but 3 is my fave) And all of the others!!! Sorry, those are cd, for emulation, i.e. for u to play : Final Soldier Download PC Kid(1,2,3) Jackie Chan Splatterhouse
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