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  1. My first anime was pokemon and it roked
  2. Man i dont know if anybody put this but yall are behind like crazy.Thre is a new thing that is called naruto shipudden is rocks!Evry body there is a teen and they are all so cool and so strong.If yall know about this then yall are far but if yall dont yall are so far.It aint even funny fine it is that yall pepole are so far .Hhahahahahahahahahahahah!!!If yall dont know about it then wach it fast becaus there is a movie coming out and Naruto may MAY die ok not sure but he may agin MAY die.It is going to be the coolest movi in Naruto history.Man i am going to wach it when it comes out on DVD.Oh yeah you canot wach it on anithing but DVD ok.
  3. I am all in pokemon & Blood but i am starting to like Blood more than pokemon.Blood rocks!
  4. Do any of yall have the game Dimond or Pearl? That game is so cool but what if they made a movie of pokemon that gose to the Movies that evrybody can see.That would be so cool but what would you think the graphics would look like and the pokemon?
  5. I went to Florida and it was rad like crazy.I got to do lots of stuff like ride cool games that made me dizy.It waz so cool i wish i could go overthere agin and do more cool stuff that i did not do.If only i got to a rolercoster that made me throw up hmmmmm.
  6. By the looks of it it seems ur in High School DUHH!!!!! But tday i was sooo bored I slept just to take time up and trust me im never sleep during the day. I WAS BORED TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Im sorry Dragon Keeper but I dissagree with you. Even though i agree that the middle had alot of talking (UPS SPOilER) but the end was all action (spoiler again) but If i had to sum it up in one word i'de say Awesome.
  8. My Birthday is on Agust 16 and happy birthday to all you people with after or coming up dates or months.
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