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About wacko_jacko

  • Birthday 01/30/1986

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  1. They were piss poor though. Wasn't very convincing...l
  2. Easy, the Aussies scored 3 outstanding goals . The Japanese goal shouldn't of even counted, with the referee even admitting to the aussie keeper that he was blocked by the japanese strikers.
  3. Go the Aussies.
  4. Oblivion is going to rock. Dunno when i'll get it though since i have a few uni exams and assignments next week.
  5. Phantasy Star Series and Gunstar Heroes
  6. If you overclock your card, turn it down a bit. If that isn't the problem, try new drivers. Don't forget to uninstall the previous drivers properly using driver cleaner.
  7. Worms World Party
  8. Visual style is VistaXP, and wallpaper is called Flowride. Got them from Devianart. Also, tranparency effect made using Glass2K.
  9. I use Avast Home Edition. Free virus scanner that betters most of the more expensive software. AVG is also pretty good.
  10. Chronicles of Riddick for PC. Very good, yet highly underated, FPS from the makers of FEAR.
  11. Prince of Persia Warrior Within
  12. Lee Harding - Wasabi
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