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Everything posted by wacko_jacko

  1. I'm outside for probably 6 hours-> about half of that involves some sort of sporting activity.
  2. Blink 182 - Reckless Abandon
  3. Well, my old celeron 333mhz had an integrated graphics card and it ran kawaks just fine. Maybe try installing updated drivers?
  4. Dungeon Keeper 2 - PC
  5. Try tinkering around with the video settings, like the resolution, colour depth etc.
  6. Boxcar Racer - I Feel So
  7. Pity kawaks doesn't support rasters
  8. The Living End - Bloody Mary
  9. 4 player Perfect Dark was pretty cool, especially with the added bots.
  10. Yeah, the first game was hell boring.
  11. Grinspoon - Hold on Me
  12. Yeah, a lot of demos are like that. The full version should have control config though.
  13. Good Charlotte - I Just Wanna Live
  14. NES: Archon -> One of my favourite multiplayer games of all time. SNES: Secret of Mana 2 Genesis: Mutant League Hockey
  15. Well I haven't tried Majora Mask on an emulator, but Paper Mario works fine with no flicker using a specific plugin and settings. Go check the official project 64 forums and you're sure to find what you need to do to get every emulated N64 game working.
  16. The original NGage model was an absolute joke. You had to remove the battery just to replace game cartridges.
  17. Yeah, I agree. Hardly anyone uses them anymore.
  18. Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get Retarded
  19. Zelda - Minish Cap Final Fantasy Advance Advance Wars 2 Golden Sun 2 Fire Emblem
  20. A rushed PS2 port will still sell lot hotcakes, downgraded or not.
  21. Kelly Clarkson - Since You've Been Gone
  22. Isn't buying a second GBA a bit excessive? Especially when the DS can play GBA games as well.
  23. At least you'll be safe from viruses and spyware...
  24. UFO - Enemy Unknown (PC) and Archon (Nes)
  25. Simple Plan - Perfect World
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