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Everything posted by wacko_jacko

  1. If you still can't delete the file, you can try the program MoveOnBoot (google it up) or whatever its called. Allows you to delete files that attach itself during windows bootup.
  2. Before anyone can really recommend any video card, you should post the rest of your computer specs.
  3. There's another thread just like this. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...topic=10729&hl=
  4. Morrowind with a lot of different mods. Can't wait for Oblivion!!!
  5. I really hope they don't flock this one up like most game to movie transitions.
  6. I wouldn't of got the Powercolor X850XT 256mb, since a 7800GT and even the GTX isn't much more expensive. Other than that, its a pretty good system, though i would have got an AMD 64 since its cheaper than Intel Chips, runs cooler and is better for games.
  7. I don't think anybody will be able to figure out whats wrong unless you give us a better desciption of the problem (ie. What browser are you using?). As Agozer said, try a full spyware and virus scan.
  8. Case: Antec Super Lanboy PSU : Antec TruePower ver 2.0 550W CPU: Athlon 64 3200 venice (939) Cooler: Gigabyte NeoCooler 8 CPU Fan Mobo: Abit AV8 3rd Eye -> Soon to be replaced by Asus A8N nforce 4 SLI Video Card: Gigabyte 6600gt -> Soon to be replaced by XFX 7800gt Memory: 1 gig (2x512) Gell Dual Channel Value Ram Harddrive: 2x 80gig Seagate SATA Hard (Raid 0) Optical: Asus DVD-RW Dual Layer x16 Liteon DVD Rom 16x
  9. George Best was very good, but he was no Pele. Both players made a lot of defenders look very silly.
  10. Rome Total War - Barbarian Invasion
  11. Silverchair - The Greatest View
  12. Just be glad we australians don't need to worry about it. Mind you, we have telstra...
  13. Don't know the exact requirements for Call of Duty, though it may need a card with pixel shaders or hardware transform and lighting. I dunno if the tnt2 has any of those. Also, just because you can play the demo fine doesn't neccessarily eman you can play the full game properly. My 6600gt played the FEAR demo pretty well, but is seriously struggling when i play the full game on the same settings.
  14. Its definately not his powersupply, since that card doesnt use that much current. If it was the PSU, the entire system would be unstable all the time, not only during games. The latest drivers won't be too much help for the card either, since they have stopped supporting it since the old detonator driver days. Did you install the drivers over the top of the old ones? If you did, that can sometimes stuff it up so try uninstalling your drivers and then run driver cleaner to remove all registry instances of the old drivers. Then reinstall the new ones. And if that fails, weirdy is right, get another card. Even an ATI 9550 would give you a massive increase in fps, and they retail at around 80 dollars australian, around 50 bucks US.
  15. I get around 6k a second for most downloads. I can also play Half-life 2 on local servers with around 190 ping which is pretty good for dial up. Tips: When ever possible, find a local mirror for your downloads. Also if your connecting at anything less then 40kbps, complain to your phone company and tell them to fix it.
  16. Got back from the pub late last night and continued celebrations into early morning. Bit sick and sorry right now, but bloody worth it. We're going to Germany!!!
  17. Alien Ant Farm - Movies
  18. Rage Against The Machine - Renegades Of Funk
  19. Warhammer 40000 - Dawn of War
  20. Half-Life 2 - Lost Coast. Just came out and the graphics are pretty good. Slowdons sometimes though since i only got a 6600gt.
  21. I've got heroes 2, 3 and 4. Favourite unit from all of them is the black dragon (gotta love spell umunity). Favourite castle is dungeon/chaos. Favourite game would be heroes 3.
  22. Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
  23. You won't be able to run much with that. For best bang for buck, try a NVIDIA 6600GT if you have AGP. If you have PCI-Express, you can get a 6600GT as well, but for a few more $, you can get a ATI X800GT. Both should be cheaper than $300 Australian, so around $200 US.
  24. Trust me, the subtitled version is better, at least it was with Shaolin Soccer. The english version of that movie sucked big time.
  25. i feel sorry for you. so so so SO misguided. was your first mario game, mario sunshine by any chance? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That'd kill a man for not knowing the true historical awesomeness of Mario. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I pity those who hate/dislike/refuse to play Nintedo games because they're to childish.
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