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Everything posted by wacko_jacko

  1. Age of Mythology - The Titans
  2. Yeah its been out for a couple of days now. its pretty good, though the graphics remain the same from the prevous game. Gameplay still rocks mind you.
  3. Rage against the machine - Renegades Of Funk
  4. Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic on PC
  5. The hacker was pretty funny.
  6. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  7. If it was a straight remake with better graphics, i wouldnt play it. Ive played that bloody game so many times already.
  8. Rainlender does that i think. And its footprint is pretty small, i think its only like 3 meg download
  9. KCi and Jojo - All My Life
  10. Kid Courageous - Is She Really Going Out With Him
  11. Operation Flashpoint on PC
  12. Probably morrowind or baldurs gate 2. Man they took ages too complete, not to mention all the mods that came out for them.
  13. I heard the game is practically another remake, so it would look practically the same as the other games.
  14. Blink 182 - Anthem Part 2
  15. The Ataris - In This Diary
  16. Its pretty good, as long as it remains well updated and maintained.
  17. Silverchair - Ana's Song (Open Fire)
  18. Avril Lavigne - He Wasn't
  19. The Stormriders
  20. Blazing star on PC. Man this game is hard
  21. Last Blade 2 - Neo Geo Damn this game rocks
  22. Have you got the full version or a cracked/warez version? Because some of my old cracked games don't work on XP.
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