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Everything posted by wacko_jacko

  1. I go the pc version as well, ages ago. There are patches available to fix problems when running on XP.
  2. Pretty good game, though not really my cup of tea.
  3. Motor Ace - Keeping Secrets
  4. Evermore- It's Too Late
  5. The Killers - Somebody Told Me
  6. Metal Slug Series again.
  7. Simple Plan - I'd Do Anything
  8. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I'm not a big harry potter fan, but the game is alright. A bit short, but pretty good.
  9. The Living End - They Have Forgotten
  10. Hard to compare the games if you ask me, but I like Zelda better.
  11. Jedi Academy. Trying out a few kewl mods.
  12. Sport - Basketball, Football (Go LIVERPOOL!) Aussie Rules, Rugby League Chicks, Friends Music - Listening and playing Movies
  13. Green Day - When I Come Around
  14. Tekken 5 in the Arcade
  15. That game should rock. Also can't wait for the next zelda game.
  16. Blink 182 - The Party Song
  17. Perfect (live) - Simple Plan
  18. Power Instinct Matrimilee - Man the final boss is cheap!
  19. Avast Antivirus is pretty good, and the home version is free with registration.
  20. Alien Ant Farm - Movies
  21. Blink 182 - Please Take Me Home
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