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Everything posted by wacko_jacko

  1. Blink 182 - Wendy Clear
  2. Sum 41 - Hyper Insomnia Para Condroid
  3. The Killers - Mr Brightside
  4. Avril Lavigne - Complicated
  5. Blink 182 - Mothers Day
  6. Me too. Tekken 4 was a bit dissapointing, but tekken 5 should rock
  7. I knew it would be heihachi. Namco are afraid of taking him out, since hes been there since number one. He's got a really huge fanbase.
  8. Bah, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's pretty unhealthy to regularly miss/skip it. Btw, I usually eath either leftovers or cereal and toast.
  9. Agreed. They may be celebrities and act like jackasses sometimes (some more regularly than others) but people have the right to keep their privacy.
  10. Firefox has an inbuilt adblocker. Go to Tools, Options, Web features and then tick Block Popup Windows
  11. Good Charlotte - S.O.S
  12. No way. Eastern RPG's all the way, although i stil enjoy the western ones.
  13. Captain America was pretty crap, or toxic avenger.
  14. The Ataris - Unopened Letter to the World
  15. GOB - Give up the Grudge
  16. Come on, Linkin Park aint that bad.
  17. Need for Speed - Porshe Unleashed
  18. Blink 182 - I Miss You
  19. Looks pretty good. I'll watch it at the weekend.
  20. The two popular free antiviruses are AVG Free and Avast Home Edition. With Avast, you have get a free registration key, but i prefer it to AVG. Both these antiviruses have realtime scanning and FREE updates to its virus definitions.
  21. Silent Hill series rock. Great (and quite disturbing) atmosphere that makes your heart beat faster.
  22. Since you're using zincgui, try some of these to improve fps - - Change Texture filtering/caching/quality to lower values (or 0). - Change blending to 0 - Turn off scanlines and dithering - Lower resolution - Turn off sound If that doesn't work, you can try frame skip and changing the frame limit to 60, but that may make the graphics stutter.
  23. It looks pretty cool, like all macs.
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