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  1. I guess you mean the Shin Akuma secondary color. Yeah, It really had to go.
  2. These are for the hacked mame version (Boss Edition). Which is the only version people play on kaillera. They are simple IPS files I made. Easy install and no drivers needed. I might release them when I update my website. I just wanted to know what people thought of my changes.
  3. What do you guys think? Video Set 1 http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=nhxr1UIefMo Video Set 2 http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=pcQvCFQ1wvo
  4. Someone should've made a patch for Third Strike with Shin Akuma and Gill
  5. 32k 0.64 for arcade, cps and neogeo games cause that's what most use on kaillera. And 32++ 0117 and above for any games that 0.64 doesn't run.
  6. http://www.snk-neofighters.com/aew/patches/index.html
  7. SvC Chaos Boss Edition and Remix Ultra version
  8. Mame 32 ++ 0.116u3.1 http://ddememame.hp.infoseek.co.jp/mameppk...3.1-20070703.7z
  9. Thankx again. I've been beating on Gill with Shin Akuma all morning. All we need now is Gill from TS so I can use those.. Angel wings....
  10. Thank you. Shin Akuma!!!! I noticed Shin Akuma doesn't use the CPU shin akuma's voice intro when he turns into Shin Akuma. hmm. Noooooooo, why are all the text during the Rival and End characters in non english!!!????? Did he have to patch it into other then engilsh? btw - The hacked rom works with Mame u3 version. So that means... more boss battles online if ppl share the same rom.
  11. Ah, the Mugen engine creators... what more could they offer now after that site died out....?
  12. Saw it today. Notice how it's the same guy who says "they don't share so I did it myself' and then doesn't share it himself...
  13. So when is it being released? If at all?
  14. Hmm, I see. Does he have graphic errors, crash the game when selected? Could I know what's wrong with him? As he's the reason I want this XD. Thankx for the compliment. I like to show CPS3's emulation progress from start to end.
  15. Do you need his permission to release it? I'm also wondering what the problem is with Shin Akuma as it's in the status of WIP. What's wrong with him so far?
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