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Bonus JZ

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Everything posted by Bonus JZ

  1. Someone already ask about source code on Spensnk forum - but I'm not sure if he get it . PS: Great to hear that will be some update to Mame for Xbox - but please try to add some new drivers (like NightSlasher , Riden Fighters Jet , Osman ....... maybe fix Gaiapolice )
  2. You cannot - maybe in the next version autorefresh wil be added
  3. 1.Change your dashboard setting to Ntsc (+10 fps) 2.Make sure you have some free space on partition you installed emulator (almost as big as ROM you try to run - i think its use from there virtual memory) 3.You can turn off music/sound emulation (+/- 8 fps) I make nice new skin for this great emulator CPX3 new skin(v1.0a)
  4. Have you try "usual places"
  5. Few more hours of wait ......
  6. Count down to release have just begin
  7. with KOV2 and Martial Masters - that coudl ROCK
  8. And here something to easy us waiting - CPX3 in action with Street Fighter III New Generation Runs really great videos from Speksnk - joined together and putted on youtube
  9. FBA 0.296.72 for Pc is out so i hope we get Xbox version soon
  10. What a great news - cant wait it happen
  11. That will be great update - hope you solve the problem. I have small request - could you add selectable path for previews (screen shots) to the fbax.ini
  12. You should check this website: BarryHarris I personally mostly hope for: Sega model 16/18 - Desert Breaker, DD Crew (as they are not jet emulated on XBOX) PMG diver with Knights of Valor and of course CPS3 with Warzard Hope we get them soon
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