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Everything posted by athlonx

  1. i have it working now, thanks
  2. i tried 1.48 dev winkawaks and i scan for the roms nothing shows up.
  3. i tried mame and winkawaks.
  4. i've downloaded some emus that say works with kof2003 then when i load the emu up the rom doesn't appear in the list.
  5. where do i go to change my settings like that? my stuff looks all blocky looking and nasty.
  6. i just can't get myself to pay2play
  7. the best kof yet
  8. hehe, cute stuff
  9. i'm gonna try it in a bit.
  10. last boss is to hard. i beat him using the arrow girl. i kept playing keep away like cable on mvsc2
  11. svc doesn't show up, samsho5 does, rotd doesn't show up neither does mslug 4, am i doing something wrong?
  12. any way to play samsho5 on mame yet?
  13. i put the rom in the rom folder along with the dat file in the correct folders and when i load kawaks with the loader it doesn't work.
  14. won't show up for me either. i switched dat files or whatever and nothing.
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