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Everything posted by hyperwolf

  1. Great job Random Guy! Im suprised so few have replied here. Dont forget all the Super Robot Wars games, They have robots from all the old shows like Mazinger, Gaiking and getta Robo aswell as Gundam. Im looking for a ps version now. Also on the snes is Battle dodge ball 2 and SD Chara Wars, both these have Devilman in them, I already have them but Id just like to let everyone now about them. Keep up the good work.
  2. I played all those games and never thought of them as been underground, Mercs was easy enough on the mega drive, SHadow of the beast was harder but I finished it on one rent, the rocket pack bit was cool. after playing it recently on emu I dont know how I did it. There was a sparkster on the megadrive too it was rocket knights 2 and was better than the snes one. the only underground game that really comes to mind is Herzog zwei on the mega Drive, one of the best games ever, I think it was the first split screen game too.
  3. Wow, this is the best Kof scince 98, All the characters are animated perfectly and the pace of the game is so exciting, the 3 on 3 thing works great and the specials are all very easy and smooth to preform unlike some of the other versions, the backgrounds are a little dull thats all. Kof 2002 was one of the worst kof games I had ever played it had no soul and very ugly BG. I was losing hope, but this delivered. Thanks guys for helping me to get this working.
  4. To replace my almost non existent irish accent........mmm Id chose a king of fighters 95 accent, "Bobart bersus Andi, wond one Fighte". It would be mad ordering chinese food.
  5. ok this is all you will ever need; Ecco2 Gunstar heroes Thunder force 4 Castlevania Soliel Streets of rage 2 Herzog zwei ghouls n ghosts strider shinobi 3 rocket knight adventuers all sonics Ranger X MazinWar Mercs puyo puyo Mega Bomberman
  6. check out the Mega drive/Genesis section, we mentioned some good games there.
  7. Yes convert the files to wav. If you download Nero express (this contains nero 6) you can use a program in it called NERO WAVE EDITOR to convert each file. Open nero, go to FILE,then OPEN and when the window to select where the file is on your computer comes up look at the bottom of it, you will see a box with a little arrow beside it, click the arrow and move down the list of options until you come accross Cue sheet or an option that has cue in it, now find the folder where you have all your Dracula files unzipped and converted to wav and click the cue sheet, now click Burn.
  8. arjay, I had that one too and its now in the bin. I also had a sidewinder but it had really bad response on the d-pad. I now use 2 usb conecters for Playstation pads. I dont think Joysticks are good or even better for fighting games, some zealots will tell you its the only way to go and its what the games was meant to be played on.blah,blah. But the simple fact is the joypad is easier and more responsive. It would be great if all arcades used joypads. (but the things would be destroyed within a week.)
  9. On my pc I got about 91% speed on panzer Dragoon zwei (original copy) using Giri Giri.
  10. Tekken has to have the worst control system of any modrem beat em up, just think how stupid those 10 hit combos were. I used to think it was great back when tekken 2 was out but today you need fluid controls like soul calibure not stiff ones like tekken. VF has made the leap, dont know when tekken will.
  11. great, hope it sticks to the same story line as part 1 and 3 evil cult, demonic demesions, Guilt and fear, part 2 was just a side story.
  12. Silent hill's had a way better story(as long as you understand it, funny that some people didnt.), and its atmosphere had a sort of realism to it so I like it a little better. Resident evil 1 and Code Veronica were exellent, part 2 was good. Nemisis was a casual gamers piece of crap. This is why the film didnt turn out as good as it should have been, the guy who wrote the script had only played Nemisis. Didnt play Res zero for very long.
  13. ''And lastly, on a more philosophical, and depressing note...what really annoys me is how people who are 'bad' (for want of a better word) and who don't do the right things in life always seem to be happy and get what they want, whilst others who try to be 'good' and who do the right thing always seem to be unhappy, and never really get anything they want. I hope this is just my inaccurate perception, and not really the case, but for now, it certainly seems so.'' This seems to be the truth where I live too (Dublin) and it seems that others will look down on you if you try to do the right thing. I think maybe they really know they are doing wrong(if they are) and want others to do what they do in order to feel its in some sense "Normal". For example junkies.
  14. Btw The Eye was chinese. DarkWater was good. I dont like the idea of children being trained to do some thing before the age of 10, for god sake I wasnt even really aware untill I was about 12. Let Children enjoy their childhood, stress should not exist at this age.
  15. Crap TV. For example reality shows. CRIBS: look how rich we are. Mobile (cell) Phones on buses. People believing that Iraq still has weapons of mass destruction, come on! Casual gamers who just keep buying crap and keep original titles from appearing. People who adore celebrities, and want to dress like them. People who listen to a certain type of music and dress in a certain style to be diffrent and then hang around in large gangs with dozens of people just like themselves. R&B & Rap Music and people who spell music with a K (only joking Weirdanzeige).
  16. Maybe they felt sorry for her, there dosent have to be a reward at the end of it. The attitude that someone wont help somebody unless they get something in return makes me want to kick the crap out of them. All people seem to think about now adays is money money money. Iraq.....
  17. just remember to backup your files just incase.
  18. capcom really left alot of cool characters out in there cross over games, CAPCOM Gallon (J.talbot) Arther (gouls n ghosts) ProtoMan Red Car (from MadGear) SD Akuma (from Pocket fighters) Chris redfield (resident evil) Tyrant (resident evil) leo (red earth) The Bounty hunter (strider) Super Joe (Bionic comando) Dante (devil may cry) SNK the guys from metal slug SVC should have been more like the neo geo pocket version. Its the most intresting of the lot.
  19. Im using Magic engine v0.98. It sounds like its not detecting your CD rom drive. Try deleting a file in your magic engine folder called PCE and restart the emulator. If this dosent work try downloading a newer version or if you still have the zip of the emulator just delete the files in its folder and put the zipped ones in.
  20. gamecop Im suprised you havent played Aliens vs predator yet its one of capcoms best games. Any way I wish I could include MadGear here but I just found out it was on the 68000 hardware. Super street fighter 2, Strider, Ghouls n ghosts, Alien vs Predator, Mercs.
  21. Marvel vs capcom 2 is on sega's naomi board as is Capcom vs SNK 1 & 2. I think the board uses CD disks just like CPS3 so its going to be a while before you can play an emulator for it. When dreamcast emu's are out thats when you will be able to play these on naomi as naomi is basically just a dreamcast with more ram. SVC was good but had really spares Backgrounds it really needed bg characters. Im waiting for king of fighters 2003.
  22. no, no it just appears like a audio cd it is in fact the game. In magic engine; start the emu and go to 'Boot cd rom' and then select the option magic engine 3. that should work.
  23. The emulator is still not 100%, the iso are genreally about 40 Mb zipped. The saturn was had some of the best games of its time, but many of these were perfect cps2 games and mame can do all the originals so theres no point mentioning them. Try: gaurdian heroes silhoette mirage Manx TT thunder force 5 Saturn Bomberman Darius gaiden Virtua cop shinning force 3 dragon quest daytona cce
  24. I own all the streetfighter games, but I think alpha 3 is the most balanced and refined but I still prefer playing Super street fighter 2 as a one player game. Street fighter 3 is not really that balanced, Gill is a cheese ball.
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