Jun : Yup, I agree Mina is not only cute, but AWESOME !!! Some ugly points : I don't like the use of the D button a lot, as for the double A + B move I find that way to powerful. I also don't like that red slimy self-cannibal demon, first of all because he is 2 big, 2 strong, 2 slow, and doesn't really fit in with the other characters. I don't like Sankuro AT ALL !! That guy simply performs the same moves over and over again, moves you can't even block, I mean, WTF!!??XD1!11 He also has the ability to heal himself...double WTF!!! I have to agree here, the game seems to have NO STORY at all, plus we don't get to know where Haomaru's evil twin comes from, neither Sogetsu's btw. What's the deal with these two? Reza or something is identical to Sogetsu only he has no sword, and his movelist is too limited (well, so far..). Anyone knows his story? ps : noticed that new old guy? He seems cool, cause he can FLY lmao