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Everything posted by Xeon

  1. i think thats what they called "tearing". if you have the option, turn on triple-buffering for smooth scrolling.
  2. i used to have a problem with saving settings. make sure you have the folowing folders in your kawaks folder (if they dont exist then create them) blend capture cheats eeprom ini lang recinput <-i think this is what you actually need roms saves sshots tracklst after this, try recording inputs again.
  3. i dont mind it really. its an honor to look like a person to bang behinds of hundreds of babes until he said i looked more like his unshaved P-NES (Frosty's fave emu )
  4. well at least you people look like your goddamned VG characters because of my hair, my brother said i look like Ron Jeremy
  5. i think they did the best english in SVC:Chaos. alot of SNK titles didnt really bad english though. not the best, not the worst, something in between and for some reason, has stayed that way for the most part.
  6. theres no english in the game, not that i hacked it though .
  7. oh please
  8. feck if i know, but its more than likely a black market thing (costumer attraction, etc.., stuff that comes along with the lines of "protection removal").
  9. to be honest i used to think they are pathetic as well, but thats just for an emu end-user. come to think of it, hacking a goddamn rom (not to mention one using heavy banking techniques), removing the protection, and selling it to the black market isnt exactly something i can call as pathetic in the end. hey, they got the bucks and we dont afterall. that may be the factor that shaped the opinions between them and us.
  10. hmmm....im sure ive seen at neogamez that it was "2004 Hero"in the title of that hack (which i thought to be sort of funny - it was back in the early days of KOF2003 ROM release). or maybe the name has been corrected in the NRX set or something? im not gonna get these hacks to verify anyway.
  11. fbax is open-sourced as far as i know, and FBA drivers work in FBAX sources to a certain extent. i think he means the other bootleg hack of kof2003. is there any difference to the current FBA kof2003 code to use on this game?
  12. To form...ZSNES9X Ultra! Ultra just for the hell of it. Mixing names made me remember this... The ZSNES Board has a word filter....if someone types "znes" (in opposed to the correct name Zsnes), the filter outputs "Zsnes (btw, I'm dumb). GRAND. 95% of the n00bs there fall for it. there actually is a ZNES emu as far as i remember. discontinued or just gone from this planet if guess correctly
  13. well not a problem really, you didnt really sounded that scary, just part unexpected
  14. what the, you scare me! whats the deal with posting my name in caps?!?
  15. You might not like the answer. anyway it is good to back online with 1emulation i dont care about his info now, i just did that as i need something to pass time while downloading something (just bored as hell). but now, what Gryph said, why? (edit) nevermind, i guess.
  16. i rarely do this, but i want a clue ont he offender. somebody known from here/catbox?
  17. me too. but with my Celeron 300Mhz PC well ummm....i did upgrade though, my memory from 32->64->128MB, 4MB SVGA->32MB 3D card and nice sound card with crappy modem built-in (bought them both a new separately), and yeah my gamepads took 3 evolutions. all of these within 5 years as well. so.... im still an environmentalist, yay!
  18. hmmm...me=disproven anyways its their property and its their right whatever they want to do with it whether theyre roms from the internet or not. i just hope they dont expect alot of people to buy on this thing.
  19. i dont think i can consider them hoarders just because they dont release the games early. at least unlike the KOF2k3 scenario, they arent bragging to us with screenshots and fancies about this stuff. the emu dev (not just MAMEdev and this counts dumpers like Guru and Raz if i didnt know) community are making these rules to moderate things like this (3-year rule, you know?). besides, theyre the ones more likely getting lawsuits on their asses instead of you, the end-user anyway. this is just my observation on my end of what has happened and whats happening now (with the exception of lawsuits). trust me, just because it feels bummer today doesnt make it a bad thing. its just better this way.
  20. its probably Mega's way of milking money off the old SNK games, i dont think SNKP has anything to do with this. as far as i know Playmore only has rights to post-2000 SNK games.
  21. im seeing a clear cut winner here
  22. what part? its already in its 4th part now (and even that is old by now) but if you mean "The New Nightmare" game then i agree. limited ammo, somewhat unlimited zombies and moody dark mansion atmosphere makes it a true survival horror game. Clive Barker's The Undying was a creepy FPS too though i only got to see a peek of it.
  23. for some reason, Shots Factory got broken after i upgraded my card. now i upgraded my emu so i dont have that problem anymore (and it still use "Pause/ Break" key for pausing so yay! )
  24. Nice job Xeon, you actually pointed something out that I've never bothered to test (the Pause/Break). oh c'mon man, you know i cant use the select button in arcade mode. no Mai and Shermie pantyposes for me without it
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