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Everything posted by Xeon

  1. i feel sorry for myself for not playing Warzard in the arcades near me. though to be perfectly honest, i dont think it became a hot item here. not saying that its a bad game, but it just didnt get enough audience here.
  2. at least when you download PC games for PC use, it can be forever eternalized with a blank CD/DVD no idea how can you pull that on a Phantom.
  3. hate to break it to you but its either MAME or Kawaks unless they included hacked alternates, etc for NRX (which i doubt can make that size either). the encrypted sets are what makes the library huge (pre-1998 games dont even seem to reach 600MB and theres a whole load of them compared to post 1998 titles)
  4. figures so ill get on topic now. if you like shooters i suggest you get Strikers 1945 plus, hard as feck though. there isnt alot of horizontal view shooters on Neogeo so may i suggest Prehistoric Isle 2 as well (i dunno, i just love how they did the rescue+shooter thing).
  5. this may be offtopic but if you love discovering new games then why the hell restrict yourself to neogeo? there are alot (and i repeat, A LOT) of good games on other emulated systems as well.
  6. unless Razoola is lying or uncertain when he added KOF2001 in kawaks then im sure its just a bootleg. but maybe your right, its maybe these bootleg P-ROMs that are actually giving us crappy bugs (console screen?) i cant remember the exact results when i tried that with FBA (i think i did it last year), but as far as i remember, there was text but the colors were rather glitchy.
  7. this might not be fact but bootlegs cannot be used without the s rom in this case samsho5 can be used without the s1 rom so i am unsure if this samsho5 was a bootleg youre right, thats not the fact. the KOF2001 set Kawaks uses is a bootleg and it doesnt use an s1 rom.
  8. i knew there was a way to make VS2 english but the last time i heard it was rather unstable or something. guess that isnt the case now.
  9. as far as i know, Vampire Saviour 2 is Japanese only. im not sure but i think this is how the series breaks down: DarkStalkers (US/Jap) DarkStalkers 2 : Nightwarriors (US) Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers 2 Japan) Darkstalkers 3 - Vampire Saviour (US/Jap) Vampire Saviour 2 (Japan)
  10. as in "leaked"? thats illegal to use then
  11. i just think the forum frontpage is kind of long now. it takes me 7 page downs from top on 800x600 desktop just to see the lower end part.
  12. really? where did you get this info? arent the Neogeo BIOSes copyrighted stuff?
  13. ...but fairly used handle as well. i know a Quake2 developer that uses that name.
  14. it depends on what that fba build is asking. anybody who can compile can change the name it uses anyway (i use "kof2k3" myself - you can change it to "dogpoo" or whatever you want).
  15. if the answer to number 1 is correct, just extract and rename the rom extensions from xxxxx.bin to xxxxx.rom, (its the same thing) then zip it again. of course you can handle zips can you?
  16. 400Mhz gives a decent to great speed on a real Windows PC using system memory for surface allocation. however, for all emus (except NRX and MAME) the vital part that makes the speed is the video card (setting surface allocation to video memory). thats my observation for Kawaks' speed on PCs. im not sure how that can make X-BOX comparability. especially for the fact that youre suggesting of running an emu within en emu.
  17. unfortunately im on dial-up so that may take us forever read Cygwin.txt in the sources (in the same folder as MinGW.txt), Cygwin setup directions are mostly in there. that all i can provide though, sorry.
  18. well, i could help but the problem is i aint too keen in FBA MinGW troubleshooting. iq's setup seems easier as you may only need to extract it someplace. i didnt download it though, i got my way from reading the docs and threads on FBA forums. or since you seem to use broadband you can try the Cygwin setup (more automated)
  19. ok thanks ill try. the dance made little sense to me in the first place (his pointings) but didnt really imagined i need to click on the end of animation
  20. if your P1 is different from what NRX expects then its going below the list and considers it as an unknown dump. you can still play it though (assuming youre certain that it works)
  21. you could ask iq_132 of Romshare. as far as i remember, he used to upload his MinGW setup.
  22. how did you do that? i cant get past anything after playing the stupid tape. oh god, im ready to feel stupid so blow it
  23. thats as far as i got too, maybe i need to check out little details more
  24. well you could still use that to encrypt/decrypt Metal Slug 5 C-ROMs if you wish
  25. i believe those resolutions best worked with larger monitors. 1024x768 on a 15 inch monitor makes everything fairly small already.
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