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Everything posted by Xeon

  1. just download NeFe Pre2 (the frontend), and the NeoEncrypter program (the main converter). unzip them both on the same folder (the program is in english btw). you can now unzip the c roms of the desired games on that folder then run the NeFe program. everything should be pretty figurable after that. (btw) backup your files first just in case.
  2. err....something wrong with the arcade version? anyways, world tour rocks, makes the playstation version a blast. regarding the topic, i mostly go for the shoto-clones since most of the time they give me the shortest learning curve (including the game itself), then move on to other characters. the only time i remember hating Guile (i prefer his "bladed" image over Charlie) is on SVC.
  3. well you can decrypt the C-ROMs those games yourself (either on normal Kawaks (Save Decrypted Cs After loading) or an Encrypt/Decrypt program)
  4. safe guess would be around 1998 to early 1999.
  5. its not as bad as youre making it sound. MAME and everything that comes with it was and has always been a team effort (drivers, core, etc.). also the authors of other emus (old or new) alone contribute to MAME one way or another, and of course dumpers. if you still didnt understand, MAME is a framework, plus arcade hardware information repository for all who wants it (for the people, by the people, to the people as one may put it). its a free thing so its not like just because something from it was taken will automatically sound like ripping others work. lastly, i wish you can at least be considerate of others who are bandwidth-challenged.
  6. hmm...it is Mai. i didnt recognize at first glance though.
  7. unfortunately, thats just you ive been playing all the new games (with the exception of KOF2003) on FBA for a long time now. if you could learn to use ROM managers (like CLRMAMEPro or ROMCenter then youll see why neogeo doesnt work for you. dude, can you pm me the drivers for kof 2001, 2002, and rotd that you're using. Cause I compile and I've been wanting to use those games on it, but I don't know how decryption on fba works sorry for the late reply. i only use mainly NRX sets for KOF2002 and above but i can write Encrypted C drivers for them if you wish.
  8. the fact is, MAME is a priceless framework (being open-sourced, portable to developers and accurate emulation). without it, i doubt Nebula, Kawaks, FBA or even NeorageX would exist until today. with its striving accuracy it is also best suited for a blazing fast (preferably current) PC user that wants an all-in-one wonder emu. FBA is a close derivative since it is not restricted to CPS/Neogeo hardware and being open-sourced, and having the near (if not the same) accuracy level as MAME while still being fast. it also emulates Cave/Toaplan hardware and other oldies like Superman, Prehistoric Isle (1), etc. next version is announced to have support for Psikyo hardware based games (Gunbird, Tengai, etc) if i have a better PC i would try Nebula as well as i want to see PGM emulation as well (though i think most of those games graphically stink). theyre mostly 2D arcade emus. i have no say on 3D since my PC isnt capable of playing them.
  9. mines minimalistic so minimalistic that its only 320x240
  10. unfortunately, thats just you ive been playing all the new games (with the exception of KOF2003) on FBA for a long time now. if you could learn to use ROM managers (like CLRMAMEPro or ROMCenter then youll see why neogeo doesnt work for you.
  11. ironically, a nice percentage that prefers NRX is actually playing on high-end PCs. want proof? WinXP. if your PC can run XP nicely then im sure as hell it can play anything other than NRX with smooth to flawless speed. i guess the user-friendliness of NRX is still top-notch that it tends to beat other emus on charisma.
  12. not to mention the horror of writing an FAQ for that game
  13. btw, ive done the ips patches for kof99 c prototype roms to c decrypted roms, pm me your e-mail address if you wish to get it.
  14. garouo (whatever set that is) has the decrypted P ROMs. what makes the game encrypted is the SMA protection (i assume the SMA file does something with the decrypted P-ROM descrambling).
  15. http://www.emu-france.com/?page=fichiers&idMachine=194 well the problem is, kof99p roms are almost entirely different to main kof99 roms. ill see if i can do something with IPS patches. and btw, NeFe wouldnt do jack squat to converting your kof99p rom, but youll need it if you want to encrypt main kof99 C ROMs
  16. well nice, now i have other sites to visit than neogamez
  17. well these arent my favorite by i figured they oughta been known more Gaia Crusaders - if you love Sengoku 3 then youre to like this one as well. made by the same people (only earlier and on a completely different hardware known as Cave). btw, it also has the exact same gameplay of Sengoku 3. emulated in FBA and MAME Guwange - a Japanese shooter. the graphics are a true top notch and has one of the finest cinematics for an arcade game. also emulated in FBA and MAME. Esoteria (PC) - i dunno really, i just got this game. MDK gameplay but seems to be pretty neat overall.
  18. im wondering more where this will get released than when it will be released (if it will ever see the light of the day)
  19. as far as i know, CPS-3 is NOT Naomi. Naomi just had the power to run CPS-3 powered games (hence the DC ports). Street Fighter 3 is CPS-3 Marvel vs Capcom 2 is Naomi
  20. to be honest, i dont even think MAME is that complex. however, the GUI and all that corresponds to it looks kind of intimidating.
  21. the real test is when you 1.) enable blood (blood should display as red, not white) 2.) do Iori's Saika on the Forest stage or... 2b.) with Zero, do f,d,df+k (i forgot the move name) those are what triggers the crashes, you may also want to experiment with Region settings/ Console/Arcade mode.
  22. Kawaks, MAME, Nebula or FBA (i use FBA though) they all share the same MAME-compliant ROMsets so compatibility shouldnt be a huge problem, plus emulation accuracy level heaps better than NRX.
  23. what do you mean "fake"? you found it?
  24. we have that kind of forum on A@H. trust me, its cool the first time we see it and boring a little later (since most people post in the forums)
  25. it seems im the only one here who thinks World Heroes/ Fighters History series are mediocre-decent. the GB version of World Heroes 2 Jet is quite fun actually (also considering how they managed to cram all those moves that not even the arcade version had into a GB cart). as for the worst, i dont know. if its something that bad, i get bored playing it in a short while so i cant really judge them that much.
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