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Everything posted by Xeon

  1. yes i know, but if you followed the posted link on the first post, it will link to another page in their forum where the message was written in japanese (or was that chinese? dont bother checking the link on it btw, its also on that same page from the link you posted.)
  2. well to be honest, im quite confused as well, but i think the post there is legit. why? 1.) the original rumor was said to actually come from...a Japanese forum??? 2.) check CPS2Shock and Nebula homepages. i havent seen a slightest hint of them being involved. of course this doesnt really justify anything, but i expect to see at least one of them confirm about themselves. well thats about it, anybody can freely correct me if im wrong.
  3. Supercalifragelisticexpialidosu or however that meaningless word spelled is
  4. youre late, Razoola has disproven the rumors himself so quit badmouthing him. http://fuego.red32.net/~mature/moregames/v...opic.php?t=1207
  5. sorry, but i have to say if you even ask about this then you dont know jack squat about anything that will be needed. get back asking system documents after years of learning programming.
  6. ive retried the game. im sure a hell the slowdown is there, have you actually tried it in other emus? iti s a major flaw. then again, im more of an emu purist if anything
  7. not without a hacked NRX. 0.6b doesnt support 512k s1 roms (last time i tried, it gave me the same glitched out text just like when using the 128kb ones) all types of explosions. i cant exactly define it as a slowdown (as im sure it will still be a perfect 60 fps if you try looking at its framerate), but it will appear like a short stutter every time theres an explosion. theyre not supposed to happen anyway. try playing it on other emus and youll see what i mean.
  8. *cough*Garou (non-prototype) and ummm...KOF2000 doesnt work as well. Strikers 1945 plus has a slowdown problem as well, which is fixed on other emus already.
  9. the rom should work on all emus (since i dont use NRX ECGC whatever, im not sure if its supposed to work on that one). it even works on the last official NRX version (0.6b). for NRX, files inside the game zip must have an extension of ".rom" instead of ".bin" for the bios problem, i think kawaks requires a newer version of neogeo bios but since i dont use Kawaks anymore i cant help you where to get it, sorry.
  10. thats what they all say and what we all tend to believe. but since it didnt even go widespread, who knows?
  11. i dont use MAME but as far as i heard, it its touchy making console mode work in MAME (you may even have to do your own compile, it was removed in the official builds so you may have to find a version that supports it) and yes, some games have practice mode, like KOF98 and above, Garou and SVC. not sure if there are other games that has practice mode though (ROTD has one, but it is kinda crappy).
  12. you arent any specific either. for Kawaks its either under the "Tools" menu or somewhere in there (sorry if i dont remember, i dont use Kawaks). for NeoRAGEX, its under the "Machine Settings" Option. for Nebula, press Esc at any point in game and select "Machine Settings", you shoud see the option there. for Nebula and NRX, you will have to reset the game for the changes to take effect.
  13. whats the size of your rom?
  14. actually, all ROM auditing tools are rendered useless in this case as DATs from emulators themselves only provide datas for games it supports. loadered games doesnt count.
  15. hahaha! when i was young i dont even give a crap if a game is in jap or not. i just play them. if frustrating, i play another but i dont really remember giving up on those games. of course thats not the case nowadays
  16. i did a search on this game and it seems to be a Dreamcast exclusive. correct me if im wrong but if this is the case then youre not going to see this game in your Kawaks or any CPS-2 emulator out there. i thought Progear was the last CPS-2 game to be dumped for now.
  17. oh, and it is a good practice to take your time when backing up files. seriously
  18. nope, sorry. the gameplay is odd but figurable, so you can still advance one way or another. basically, this means you can play the Jap version and still live with it im looking for an ISO of this as well, i want to see those arts again (its been years since i last played and i didnt even finished this back then)
  19. its for the Playstation so no ROMs for you
  20. i was about to say the same thing. he probably means Kawaks loader
  21. freeplay in neogeo only works in arcade mode. console mode always has 4 credits.
  22. thats the true dump of the game (like the Kawaks set uses). i cant remember any fight stage that was pitch black though.
  23. isnt this game natively supported in the current Kawaks version???
  24. hmmm, as far as i know, at least one of them should have support for XP. but then again, i dont have a PC capable of XP to test.
  25. I've never watch Ultraman, but judging from the screenshots and a few SNES games, Ultraman sucks big donkey balls. Hell, even Power Rangers is better than that. Power Rangers is a westernized copy of those Japanese TV heroes (Bioman and maybe a few others but its a hero team stuff). comparing it to Ultraman doesnt do justice imho.
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