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Everything posted by Xeon

  1. im trying to be a pr0n hound unfortunately for me this is impossible, i hate pop-ups
  2. didnt i told you its a geocities webspace? try later, and DONT use download managers (for cripes sakes its just 600kb)
  3. the last official NRX version was 0.6b. from the readme.txt of NRX0.6b (something left out in all of the hacks) if you understand this, this means MAME (also equally means Kawaks, Nebula and FBA) and NeoRAGEx are impossible to have the same compatibility rate. also, people seems to fail seeing this but each time a new hack was released something in it gets broken (that "import" button kicks you to desktop, anyone?) and this gets serious as each release passes (i consider this the side-effects of the hackings).
  4. well, yeah i know. thats why i asked him if his program can encrypt/decrypt roms other than the Cs
  5. answer me one question first, do you really need to use it?
  6. http://www.emu-france.com/?page=fichiers&idMachine=194 theres a program there called NeoEncrypter. the frontend (called NeFe) helps as well. btw, you said you made a program, can it encrypt/decrypt roms other than C roms?
  7. click here props to Diablo2 for hosting it . it contains 2 hacked NRXs that plays it properly. its a geocities webspace so try later if it complains about bandwidth. also, it is not recommended to use download managers to download this file (for cripes sakes its just 600kb )
  8. FBA ruled on its CPS-1/2 emulation, and Neogeo is a real neat progress it has shown. i cant say that its better than MAME (heck i would suggest you to use that if your PC has enough CPU power and shatloads of RAM). i judge emulators on how they emulate the games it supports BAREBONES, no blitters, closest to real thing resolution, and emulated hardware features. speed isnt a factor on my opinion (MAME is created to be portable and accurate if you didnt know yet). GUI simplicity as well. this is why i consider FBA closer to MAME than Kawaks or Nebula (cause they are using MAME standards, a lot of people dont see that because of its speedy emulation) dont let that mislead you though, currently FBA has some blitters has well (HQ/LQ2x for example). imho, FBA tries and succeeds to be a fully functional program (theyre not bogging it with useless features). only problem i can see now is that the emu is still in alpha stages (bugs exists), that is to be expected for early versions, and that doesnt stop me from enjoying it. i dont know if all that makes sense but thats my 10 cents on emulators. just give them all a try and see what may suit you better.
  9. technically Nebula is better for a fact that it emulates neogeo better (it has rasters, Kawaks doesnt). however, if youre tight on processing speed then it may be better for you to stick with Kawaks or FBA (you will need to compile your own FBA though) personally, i prefer FBA than either of them.
  10. then thats a problem i guess. no scanlines, edge enhancement or any blitters means 320x240.
  11. BIO my arse if you have FBA 2.94.98 already running then you have it already. you will just need a pre-compiled FBA that supports it.
  12. i didnt mean to put that as a taunt. i can send it to you if you wish (just pm me your e-mail address). if you failed to see it, im actually trying to pick up suggestions on where i can upload this thing so i dont have to process a e-mails and just give a link to all that may need it (i gave it to 2 persons by mail from a previous thread, request followed by another 2 i think and some more people seem to want it as well). as much i want to help them, it will be a pain since i dont have all that time. im on 56k by the way. i dont have a webspace or anything so im pretty much blank on uploading stuff (i dont expect it to be steep though)
  13. well yeah, i dont think theyre half-bad either. but its not the same lax as others. compared to other playmore fighting games, theres not a whole lot to explore. well you can try pulling and mastering those exhorbitant combos in kof2k2, is there anything close to it in ROTD or at least something to master? as far as i see, none. in short, i just cant find anything to get back to it once i get to finish that game.
  14. i have the 512kb s1 file that fixes that. i just dont think i could send e-mails to everybody who wishes to have it (i just dont have the patience and the time).
  15. i dont find the game too good, just average. the replay value is quite low if you ask me and the gameplay doesnt let you do a whole lot either. it just feel so limited imho.
  16. me? as much i like to, i wont. sorry. im already following like 5 forums (others non-emu related) and some other sites everytime i connect to the internet. back then Snafu also requested me to join in his forum, i never replied back for the same reason. come to think of it, i havent visited miskie's forums for a while now.
  17. the "final" version of the game made the final boss (kain) harder to reach in arcade mode (you will need an overall average of AAA, if not, the game ends after defeating grant). there are also gameplay tweaks and a few spelling corrections. and of course, all endings can now be seen properly (finish Marco Rodriguez in the prototype and youll see gibberish text) if want to see these yourselves, play the Garou MAME/Kawaks/Nebula set.
  18. sorry to be a Nazi but why not just post a link to the forum rules and ban them immediately in case they miss it? just look at Romshare for example, they ban quite a few people for breaking the rules. i think thats a record, considering how many members that forum have already. it isnt exactly an open forum though, but it still is high-profile if anything. its strict, sure. but it works. and looking at Romshare it does work wonders imho. but then again, the stickies on the current affairs takes a scroll to view them completely on 800x600 desktop resolution.
  19. i think you will be better off useing nebula as you seem not to know what to do Nebula?It Sucks.Nebula IS Not Far Worse Than Krawks.In My Opion,FBA And NeoRageX IS Da Best.=) FBA is crap Neorage is crap neorage is nothing but a hacked emulator. and was only meant for the older pc . now i ask you. have you tried to play svc or samsho5 in nebula? what do you have against FBA? i seriously cant see anything wrong with it. it is faster and multitasks better than Kawaks and seems to have better Rasters support than Nebula. and doesnt even need a loader or dat if you can compile on your own (and recompiling only takes like 30 seconds at most on fairly fast PCs -minutes on slow PCs but not that much). video and sound may be a different thing and entitles to your taste and such. or do you simply think it sucks because it is a low-enders choice?
  20. James, what made you sure there are no more bugs in that P1? (edit) BTW, in Japan region and console mode (not sure in arcade mode) the Zero bug is still there (f,d,df+k), but as far i know, this wasnt resolved anywhere as well...
  21. hey james, can i have your P1 file? my last update on this rom was CRC:14337168 the svcbl s1 rom would be nice as well, thanks in advance.
  22. you dont like to download winrar? your choice. and i got the ROM just by reading here. ive been seeing you here for days, i cant believe youve missed a link here.
  23. you can forget about it for now and DONT hold your noses. its partially dumped. the CD image of the game is dumped and even that was said to be a bad one. there are other things required to be deciphered before anything good (to you, the user) even starts to happen 1.) the cart hasnt been dumped yet. makes the CD image is useless even if its a good dump. 2.) probably the most important one, CPS-3 has like 2 or 3 layers of encryption. i dont know the deal with this encryption stuff but its enough for you to know this made CPS-2 emulation a long, long journey. 3.) BIOSes are also said to be different for each game. of course thats an incomplete list and all plainly from what i gathered. there are inbetweens, but that should be enough for you to know.
  24. it doesnt seem to be out already anyways.
  25. damn, thats the next prob. learning to compile and looking for the tools. read mingw.txt or cygwin.txt in the src folder for informations on how to compile. i use MinGW but Cygwin seems to be a lot more automated and probably the better option if youre on broadband. read on the FBA forums for some info you may need.
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