It really was for me when I first played it, but not that long ago I played it on my friends Wii when I stayed the night, and I manged to finish it (Which I never could when I was younger and actually owned it on the NES) on my second time around using no jump portals. Most shooting games even on there hardest are fairly easy (and annoyingly short in most cases), I always find RPG's hard because im too lazy to spends ages training my characters other then the enemy's that are along the way, then you get to a boss and its a hassle to win, but I don't play many RPG's only ones that pull me in from the get go. Are you guys talking about Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros? Anyways I've been playing Super Mario Bros. DX for the Game Boy Color. It rocks! if you finish the normal game Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan gets unlocked. Now that's a difficult game. Sounds like a couple people want to try out Super Mario Forever. On that note, a game designed to completely flock you over in every possible way even when you're trying to use save states (and you're given infinite lives too!) don't count as a difficult game ever.