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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Orson - OK Song
  2. Ayumi Hamasaki - Depend on you (Svenson and Gielen Remix)
  3. Started up Freelancer
  4. Giants win 17-14
  5. Final Fantasy V on gba Loving the job system
  6. Our Lady Peace - In repair
  7. Happy birthday Skythe!
  8. jimmy eat world - be sensible
  9. Happy Birthday Adel!
  10. RHCP - Cant stop
  11. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
  12. Reel Big Fish - We hate it when...
  13. Sir Nuts - The last challenge
  14. It'll be way too annoying to catchup on the material you missed over one night. Plus, similar to what Hexter said, there's going to be people that would say the same thing you're thinking, and then you have to think of something else to say. Doubt you can keep track of everyone in a large forum anyways
  15. Ugh. Probably not worth the price for that haha. Better off making your own.
  16. Happy birthday to jitway, emsley, and wacko jacko!
  17. Super bump. Following news on SC2. Raynor's bio has been released on SC2 website a day ago http://www.starcraft2.com/features/heroes/raynor.xml Looks pretty cool to me. ^I'm not sure how this thread deviated into command and conquer
  18. 1. Bubble Bobble 2. Garou MOTW 3. Armored Warriors 4. Marvel vs Capcom 5. Gain ground I'm assuming these are Mame games only; otherwise add Time crisis series somewhere in that list.
  19. Jack Johnson - Cocoon
  20. Being in college, I don't really keep plan my days out as intensively as other people I know. Most things/studying/homeworks are pretty much impromptu and spur of the moment. Usually I found keeping a schedule to be difficult because some things tend to run overtime (One subject overlaps and takes you longer thane expected); thus the schedule becomes chaotic and somewhat useless.
  21. High and mighty color - pride
  22. Dirty Vegas - Days Go by
  23. Nami Tamaki - Dreamers
  24. ^^^^^Wonton soup Been busy with homework and hanging around with people. The internet on my PC is kinda messed up atm (using laptop). Plus, I'm not using my PC much for anything right now except for music. Finding alternatives for gaming (Dreamcast/gba) and reading stuff.
  25. Homepage is the google page
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