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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Not yet over here. Still got 5.5 hours to go. But Happy new years to those who had it already and those that will have it.
  2. Mooneys and Mags Mainly IRC peoples too. When you can drive mooney, we'll meet up
  3. Making Mooney #1 Deaths on FAS and Exposing him for the pedobear he really is
  4. Since this anime forum also, Link to new anime coming in winter 2008 http://www.animeph.com/anime-season-list-winter-2008.html http://www.moetron.com/2007/11/15/number-o...nter-season-22/ Too busy watching old anime to watch new anime
  5. What no fio?jk cool pic.
  6. Oh Really? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...c=25158&hl= Point Proven Eh I tried editing posts and keeping the topics alive. I think there's a little too much unrest between the members a bit atm which causes this to happen.
  7. I like the speculation about virtual reality, but the risk of your brain not being able to tell the difference (plus dying in a very realistic VR game might be a problem) would be somewhat discomforting. I mean, imagine having a dog bite your arm off and you feel it and then you d/c yourself and then you see your arm back. Would be a ltitle strange in my book. The interactive movielike games we have going on here is pretty cool in my book. Seems like its the way games are going at this moment. More interactiveness.
  8. As a note, People's music tastes are vastly different and I rather not close this decent thread because people are insulting each other on their tastes. Thanks.
  9. I read the plot of the book on wiki also. The movie seems very based on the book as in you see a lot of the key elements still implemented in some way in the movie. I think they're done pretty well. The main focus of the movie has shifted a bit by making Neville's role different, but I still felt that it was a decent taking on the plotline.
  10. I would create more topics about games (could talk about games all day), music, movies, etc.. Just a little lazy about that. I only stop posting a bit because there are some topics whose discussion I rather not participate in and completely ignore. Otherwise, I don't mind these one liner threads as they do somewhat keep update on what different members are doing/opinions on. On Don illimatix, I think there's still opinion on these threads. I myself still say if I like or dislike something. There has been a small period of unrest aka insulting and such. However, as I said before, I usually just stay the hell away from threads I don't want to post in.
  11. 2nd one is super mario forever for nes. Impossibly hard.
  12. Got money, ipod dock, clothes. Gave Dvd Player, chocolates, and money to family members.
  13. Merry Christmas guys
  14. Never even heard of this movie coming out.
  15. Last Timeshift shot (as I beaten it) Fun with Slow time. Hellfire = Best gun in game.
  16. Mine is related to Sharing isos and junk. Yeah yeah Shame on me.
  17. You could use Zinc to emulate those system 21(?) games. Does it faster than Mame too.
  18. machinae supremacy - Throttle and mask
  19. Crowded House - Heaven that I'm making
  20. Yeah just for future reference, I'm playing PC games. I don't have a 360. But you can probably do it with a PC card also
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