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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Happy 4th of July to us Americans! Enjoy your bbqs and fireworks
  2. Playing Deus ex for the second time. First time was full of bugs so I skipped around a lot.
  3. we too emo at 1emolation to act like shit heads
  4. I lurk watch this group every day.
  5. In my opinion, most gamers I know see motion control as gimmicky. We usually have fun with it for a playthrough or so, but then everyone stops using it (IE, you go play mario kart/brawl with friends and everyone is using gamecube controllers) The wii does do motion control pretty well though (Super mario galaxy 1/2) in the fact that you do small movements so the delay doesn't hurt you as badly. Dunno though. I still haven't seen any motion controlled game that I rather play over a non motion controlled one. Only exceptions are rail/light gun shooters. House of the dead/Time crisis on my TV? Sign me up.
  6. Happy birthday to veristic! And all those other guys that have been past by.
  7. Claymore was actually pretty good in the sense that the heroine and her comrades were generally not overpowered to their enemies so it made for some good fights. I saw the manga was still ongoing but I probably will just stop where the anime ended. Watching samurai 7 now. Liked the old movie 7 samurai a lot so hope it somewhat lives up to it.
  8. If you're playing on normal for dead space, the pistol/gun you start out with is usually enough for most enemies. Shoot limbs off with 1-2 shots then stomp if you can or shoot them once in the head. I pretty much got by with just the pistol and the charge gun. (Had the rifle but hardly used it). Anyways, playing some C&C 3 Tiberium wars now. Running into RTS woes where it seems like computer gets infinite units.
  9. Rough game Emsley.
  10. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...mp;#entry334676 Stop confirming ^'s mans suspicions
  11. I agree with this. I think its more enjoyable to see the game's atmosphere put into the movie so of course we should see teleporting, fireballs, freezing. When they try to put the game elements and portray them as realistic, it usually ends up pretty bad. Example of this would be Street fighter: Legend of Chun Li. I mean, the scene where they made her do her spinning bird kick almost prompted me to stopped watching just because of how bad the scene itself was, and they wanted to incorporate her moves into the movie. To be honest, I couldn't really tell realism in the martial arts if they incorporated it into the next mortal kombat. Personally, I would just want to see the fatalities and stuff which is the most likely reason imo people play this game, which is to brutalize/humiliate their opponent after a fight. But hey, if we're going for realism, if someone can perform Guile's upside-down in mid air kick for me, that'll be great.
  12. Vanquish and MVSC 3 mainly for me. I'll be interested in Donkey Kong and the Kirby game when my brother gets it. Seemed like Nintendo was the fan to be since Microsoft and Sony were just showing off Natal/Kinect and move respectively.
  13. Two ties For US (I dont wake up early enough). Didn't get to watch the game but heard it was pretty foul. Btw Emsley, I'm just gonna change the title to world cup 2010 Thread.
  14. Another preview topic for us that like anime Found at http://namelissis.wordpress.com I'm pretty overloaded for stuff to watch but still makes me laugh when I see names like Legend of Legendary Heroes.
  15. Watched: Gundam seed and Destiny: Better off just watching seed. Hated the main character of destiny (More to it I guess due to bias) Gungrave: Amazing anime Trinity Blood: Silly anime Watching: Claymore
  16. Playing dead space on the PC. I'm kinda jumpy so its pretty fun to waste my ammo on stuff.
  17. leagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagu eoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsvleagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagueofle gendsleagueoflegendsleagueoflegendsleagueoflegends
  18. The fact that its 2010 and we've been complaining about this since 2006 when emulation started dying and we're still here and alive. It could be worse; other forums have posts ranging from different months. At least ours in general discussion are all in March. At least our discussions unlike other emulation sites are plagued with emulator configuration errors. Good day.
  19. What if you produce asexually?
  20. Problem?
  21. Wheres the bacon ^
  22. New game out by the same creator of Bayonetta and Godhand (Platinum Games) Game looks pretty sick. I can jump on futuristic shooter/hack n slash game. http://kotaku.com/5485208/first-screens-of...hooter/gallery/
  23. You have no right to call me "Roger"! You let the RPG World die! Lies, Hunan-Bahamut did the last relevant post so you're at as much fault as I am. Plus it was hard to keep track what was going on anymore lol. We introduced way too many characters and did too many twists
  24. Weezer - (If you're wondering if I want you to) I want you to
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