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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Whatchoo smokin' Willis? The Cessna 152 is NOT a German made plane. Cessna is a US company, based in Wichita, Kansas. Anyway, no idea about my number.......this thread is too wierd for words. Ahh I should have specified more I meant to say it was an airplane Cesna-152 and a German plane Baade 152
  2. The topic's purpose is interesting enough that members posting what their member number is associated with. Seems harmless enough to me. Plus, to me, there's more controversial threads that are in the lounge rather than this one particularly (i.e. What are you listening to?, What did you plat most recently?) because members can give one line answers to them, but they're being heavily moderated (no double posting and such) that they're not much of a problem. Unless the staff specify which threads dont and do belong in the spam forum, there's not much you can do but enjoy the free posts and play along. Plus, I see complaining about stupid crap as spam.
  3. Seems a little fishy about that 9000 for 90$ but oh well.
  4. Since this is in the lounge now, I say stop the flaming and let it be. Enough with the insults already anyways. Just to direct attention away from it, heres a picture of a spider mech in Timeshift
  5. ionno. Might have to ask someone else. I was just commenting on the weirdness
  6. Figures this is what happens when a thread is in the spam forum.
  7. hahahah funny.
  8. 152 is an airplane Cesna-152 Its a german plane (EDIT: Baade 152) Sum of 4 consecutive primes I guess its the amount of money you start out with in Fallout 2 also
  9. Yeah this series is great. Can't wait for the next installment.
  10. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you all as well. Kinda early for this topic imo by whatever. Gifts and things are bought for my family so come Christmas time, just give them and spend time with them. (It is a nice excuse of a day for people to spend time with people they care about/get free stuff) PLUS THE HAM
  11. Looks Sweet
  12. RESSURECT Ka-boom COD4 rocks. I had cooler screenshots, but it appears COD4 didn't register when I hit the key :/
  13. Mini ressurect! Stalker (Beaten) Jade Empire Call of Duty 4 (Just beaten) Timeshift
  14. Need to have someone offer to host one or we need to just designate some public server to meet up such as godweapon or such. BTW: Updated server status
  15. Be patient there new guy. (Watch the spam ) Anyways, welcome to everyone
  16. Scissor Sisters - Everybody wants the same thing
  17. I agree. Felt the story flowed pretty well. This was a pretty enjoyable movie to watch.
  18. Our lady peace - low and trust
  19. HTML here. As cool as flash websites are, I'm really just going to the website to look at screenshots and check out info on the game. It's a little annoying having to watch a flashy video when all I want to see are those two items. Rather just zip through the site quickly. I'm assuming ^ is for game websites only. But in general, HTML still
  20. The Wallflowers - One Headlight
  21. Tenchu?
  22. RHCP - Minor thing
  23. Happy 17th birthday Devia Eleven 25th birthday to CKEmu!
  24. Jimmy eat world - Feeling lucky
  25. Jimmy eat world - Let it Happen
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