my was the game of life I spent hours with my brothers and a cousin just playing it. Its too fun to make a reality out of. Espcially when one of your friend freaks out and tries to make an all female family and tries to buy daughters off other players
Did ya believe in them? Everyone kinda got fooled by Santa once in a while I didn't really believe in monsters in my closet (i didn't i say i didnt, i say didn't really. a tiny difference there )
Im underage and probably won't be drinking Is it tru dat European Beer taste better Than American Beer? Just wondering cause i read it in a Tom Clancy Book Lol is this topic even Appropiate
I think it was a toy It was one of those cheap mcdonald's toys Otherwise, it was a water gun. Stupid thing broke off on me during a water fight (gun can shoot in 3 directions excluding south). I was stuck aiming left which was annoying
One of the funnest days on the kaillera server However, it was just only 2 ppl. Solidius and Me (Disoblige) Here is what resulted in that day: First: Baseball Stars 2 - I won 13-2 Second: Golf - Solidius won Third: Basketball - Dunno, it was mainly a tie I guess. 4th Real bout Fatal Fury 2 - I won most of it mainly with Andy and Mai 5th and final one: Neo Bomberman - I won all but the last one. Solidius' son was helping him too Server WILL be down till Friday only because no one probably goes on it until the week ends. If you have a problem. Email me or contact me on AIM
anyone got some good recommendations for sports games such as soccer or football? Solidius and I are just playing sports and I won in Baseball but hes gonna own me in Golf
This question/topic probably only valid to those living in America but I'm not sure: I go for: Comics Ads Ads only just to see if any CD-R's are on sale and see if some things are cheap such as memory to upgrade the computer
I hardly ever used Fileplanet Unless for Mame32k And that usually has no lines at all As for patches and stuff, I usually can find them at a clan's website or so PS: If you using stream 2.0 for CS 1.6, don't bother, its laggy as heck
.7z files are files They are comppressed files and you need an extracter to get them out EDIT: Yes, you would probably need a mod chip. or a boot cd. But a Mod chip is probably your best bet