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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Prefer The Soft Serve Or Regular Ice Cream? Regular for me, the soft server is not fun to do and melts quicker than the regular Plus more flavors for regular wheee
  2. should play neo geo games. THEN, I would get creamed Wow. Neo geo + Creamed = NeoCream!
  3. List of popular games the 1emulation.com Community And Staff Like To play Arcade: WWF Games Any Marvel Vs Games King Of Fighters (No one actually played this yet ) Genesis: Mega Bomberman Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers Toe Jam And Earl Remember to come visit! Who knows, You may find Gamecop Or Any one of us and even beat us and gloat about it on these forums
  4. as much as how cool this would be, We would be turning into another emuparadise forums Well...not really But I feel that there are too many forums to browse through, and adding more would be kinda annoying
  5. it means i suck in wrestling games (seriously I do)
  6. Yep. You're kinda limited to use mame32k cause u can't use mame regular version on kaillera
  7. usually its MAME and its whatever rom someone wants to play Thats why The Cool people made Mame.DK rite?
  8. I'm noticing a lot of websites like microsoft have extremely tiny font that I can't read. This hasn't happened before? Help
  9. Unfortunately, the tournies will not start until next week or until everyone gets online lol. But for today, It was just chaos when: Me (Disoblige) Solidius25 (EDIT: I put Solidius23 haha ) Gamecop Played a game of wwf wrestlefest. After a long game and Gamecop yelling at solidius for adding more credits I actually somehow won with Jake the Snake ^^ I think Solidius and Gamecop were being easy on me
  10. I noticed a LOT of you are using.67 You really should use.64 because its more stable and whatnot. Plus, ppl use.64 for some reason and That alone gives me a good reason http://r1326769.hostultra.com/downloads.html Enjoy!? PS: Make sure u both have the same versions or the game Will desync
  11. blah curse all you inactive ppl Well we STILL have only 4 people lol. I will allow signups till 4:00 CST Otherwise everyone whos in meet in kaillera server by then
  12. does ur plan involve skywriting gamecop
  13. kinda funny but kinda mean too I have a problem with little kids in arcades, they just go up to you and start pressing buttons. such as...lets use Dungeons and Dragons for an example Of course Ppl would put more than one credit in a machine so they dont have to fumble with their pockets or plastic bags. But it really pisses me off when someone just comes up presses the 2p button and wastes the quarter. Another time is when My bro and I was playing a tight game of billards and this kid just Starts grabbing the balls and throwing them into the holes. We didn't do anything (we should of) because the parents were right there. I was never like that when i was a kid
  14. server is back up and I forgot to turn it back on this morning
  15. It'll be scary to go to a convention cause you guys are are oldish ppl and I'm just still a young person. The only person I could probably visit is Solidius (driving Distance) But I'm not really sure "Arcade Hopping" LETS SEE HOW MANY ARCADES WE GET THROWN OUT OF !!!
  16. ive seen this before, whoever gets stuck with the 5 usually loses, but it has different rules, but in this case, ryder won
  17. I DID make a post about this in the request rom section :/ OH WELL! Its like my posts are being ignored by u guys
  18. I'm still reaching my goal and that is to make the forums MORE ACTIVE. So far, I posted topics for people to post in and recently, i added a kaillera server. I can't really think of anything else to do except: Flash Games Flash Movies (With us starring as video game characters) 1emulation Convention Lol
  19. Last day for signing guys. It ends when I go to sleep today . Don't be shy and don't worry if your connection is a 56k. It should be able to play fine
  20. ditto to wat tash said. Its kind of odd
  21. 1 Only One F's Otherwise 3 Captial F 3 Little F In Whole Thing 1 Capital F 3 Little F's In the 1st Sentece
  22. so far 4 ppl. Solidius Weird Gamecop (You'll Do good ) And Me We need more
  23. YES! Mame came out with another to piss us ppl trying to catchup with the rom sets. Anyway Enjoy! www.mame.net
  24. server offline at the moment till 4:00 PM CST
  25. Any Comments There may be a schedule soon PS: SIGN UP FOR SF AND BOMBERMAN TOURNY
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