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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Boo Solidius is planning to Take Me Down
  2. nope question 12
  3. because some ppl use kawaks
  4. you had a wacky sidewinder and i have a keyboard ^^ Oh well, I haven't play sonic 2 in a long time just like you prolly did in SF. PS: Those special stages were Hard o.O
  5. marvel vs capcom D&D series Marvel Vs street Fgither Xmen vs Street Fighter Kof Series Bubble BObble! simpsons
  6. signups like the street fighter tourny. are due on friday
  7. remember, u can still sign in today. Signing ends friday This goes as well for the bomerman tourny too!
  8. rom link
  9. Another Tourny Going on because of ppl not doing so well in Street Fighter At the moment. Yes its on Genesis Sign up Here!!
  10. Omg. Gamecop Actually Won Against weird that is
  11. unfortunately, I say the only anti-hack which IS a hack, is the speed hack cause you move so fast and they can't possibly hit you ALthough it IS noticable and ppl can get you banned for it. Oh well. Give E A a break, They have to make more games for us They Can't All Moderate all the servers, So someone has to develop a program for it
  12. Game 1: (Ryu(G) VS Sagat(D) Disoblige wins easily Game 2: (Guile(G) vs Ryu(d) I win again Then there a few more games that I won just messing around with characters (YES EVEN ZANCHEIF AND BLANKA) Game 10: (Bison(G) vs Guile(D) Gamecop actually won a round but i won at the end See how fun it is
  13. Yes join the kaillera server. Even Gamecop Is there
  14. Even though the Street FIghter Tourny Hasnet started yet (Sign up TOday!) I beat Gamecop and Weird in Street FIghter But IJTF_Cinder OWNED me In sonic 2
  15. are you using a router or Internet Sharing Networks Firewalls are a problem too Open Port 27888 TCP and ALl UDP PORTS
  16. Ok its Working Try noW AND DONT FORGET THE PORT NUMBER!
  17. er its cursed I can't even log in
  18. ok time to reset the server. Try Looking in www.kaillera.com servers too
  19. thats...odd Try Connecting To my Server Again I dont really see why you can't connect
  20. Oh yea lolol. What connection do you have
  21. PM me to enter an ip Edit By: Gamecop Because: Its not safe to post your IP to the public.
  22. oh yea the emulator http://gens.consolemul.com/download/wgens211.zip
  23. click megadrive 32x. then click roms. then click s, and find the rom
  24. http://www.planetemu.net/php/roms/roms.php...3?cat=goodgen-S Get the Super Street Fighter 2 - The New CHallengers (u) [c][!]
  25. In honor of opening the kaillera server, lets do a street fighter tourny for fun and fake bragging rights and a fake trophy! We'll use the Genesis Version So we don't get dispute with the Arcade Emulators (mame, FBA, Kawaks, etc.) Sign Up here! Disoblige (i'll play but I know i'll suck )
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