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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Heeeey. We can host Tourneys!
  2. its funny that im running this off a ghetto 98 cable modem Hope you guys join up tomorrow
  3. join up ppl. Theres lots of more ppl even though its only a 10 man server. May up to 15
  4. just a note, there are 2 disobliges. One's for Mame, Ones For Gens. Yea its kinda lazy but it saves me trouble of reopening junk
  5. AWW GEEZ, ANOTHER TUTORIAL TO WRITE UP ok 1. goto www.kaillera.com 2. download mame or w/e u want (I prefer Mame) 3. Once its downloaded, Extract EVERYTHING (I DO MEAN EVERYTHING) into a folder. 4. Open the Emulator 5. Click File and click Play Network Game (Netplay) 6a. Look for Disoblige's Hideout in server list 6b. Or PM Me for my server ip 7. YOU're There! 8. Join games by double cliking or create games. 9. Have fun
  6. Motto: U may have 20000 members BUT WE HAVE A GAME SERVER HAHAHHA Lol Just have fun guys
  7. Just A few NOtes: I'll play on Gens, Nes, And Mame (Arcade). I cannot Play on Winkawaks Because I dont have a soundcard and until i do, i'll probably upgrade my whole computer. So you winkawaks users, either find a buddy or something or get mame Also, Thx in advanced Its Only a 10 Man Server And I may up it. It may lag Or Shut Down Cause Of Bittorrent. If it is offline, Msg me on aim, icq, msn, yahoo, etc. And Beg me in the funniest way possible to make me turn it back on (I'm kidding about the begging part) Also, Have fun and remember to post guys
  8. Wow. After Much Work. I finally got a Kaillera Server Up and Running For 1Emulation.com and My Website (Hey I deserve A little Credit ) I finally got it while tweaking around with my router since my brother finally gave me access to it. Now its up and running. get kaillera at www.kaillera.com Find 1Emulation Kaillera Server On the Server List and Double Click and Enjoy
  9. if you can answer the last two questions giving the points to team 2
  10. 10000 posts. thats freaky Btw, I dont think you missed much except a few reviews, rom sector got shut down, Eugen Popovici (told about), etc. Also, I still have my Uber L33t Moderator Title
  11. 10. Nope
  12. 9. Yes Snes.
  13. thats not very fair For real it would probably be: SPiderman (me) vs Wolverrine or Ryu Yes I would Get Owned
  14. nope Im not sure about the Magic Mushroom Part though
  15. A year Went by and no post about aliens!? Are they real? Probably yes. They're probably still in the process of being made but we'll probably meet one, or we won't live long enough to meet one
  16. Also, As who??? ServBot Vs ServeBot
  17. Hey this wasn't finished yet hahaha.
  18. I'm Pretty Excited about them too but my computer is the suky right now so i have to wait to upgrade it
  19. I would rather Volunteer since its kind of hard to run away to Canada nowadays. It might be better because (dunno) You might be able to choose what you want to be rather than going into the front lines
  20. Ahh stupid stupid edit post Only 2 more points for Team 2
  21. no i made it because no one wants to make topics but me And it wasnt made so I thought why not
  22. !!! ITS EMSLEY! YAY! Now it the excitement meter (1-5) is from 0 to 2! Funny how you were gone so long and u still have a higher post count than most of us
  23. I Meant to say Recovered. LOLOLOL I don't use Norton for some stupid reason
  24. I just ran disk Checking on My Drives and I found I was Missing 7 Gigs Of Disk Space! Geez, No wonder where they went!
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