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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. No Injuries, Just heavy laughing and spills on my friend's carpet. The only FRustrating I seen was when My Brother Got Mad Over NFL gameday 98 and threw the controller breaking 5 cds in the process
  2. You guys ever read Remnants? Its made by the same author who wrote Animorphs (kinda childish but yea) Anywayz, It predicts what humans might do when an asteroid is gonna destroy Earth and there's nothing they can do about it So they send a group of humans out. Over time, some humans mutate and the story goes on Its kinda of a cool story plot of the end of the world
  3. Nah, I'll just wait for the emulator. Computer is more important than those things
  4. I can't edit my own post....!? Oh well. Team 2 almost winning
  5. nah, unless u play it on a emulator
  6. keep going
  7. nope it wasn't pong
  8. yah. but i dunno where you got that from
  9. Trivia Updated guys
  10. Used Letters: A
  11. A last and Serious Topic For Today. How Do you Picture The End Of The World? I picture that we will all nuke each other to oblivion. Or, We will develop space technology, but in time, we will drain the Earth of its resources, making kinda unhabitable to live there, unless you can clone minerals.
  12. GameCop Is Gonna Kill me for this topic... Lets play HangMan Topic: Movies ____ | O | | ------ _ _ _ _ E _ _ A _ Used Letteres: A, O, E
  13. Have you guys ever been to LAN parties? I have, I've been to 3 altoghter They're pretty fun when everyone starts playing a game. But sucks when everyone leeching from each other and starts leaving. So how about you. PS. Rag Don't Start
  14. In 20 questions or less, Can you Guess Who I am Topic: Video Games Characters
  15. Cord Or Cordless. I prefer the Cordless Even Though it Though Freeze Up sometimes
  16. TrackBall Or Optical? Optical
  17. We could put in an arcade and make it sav highscores. I seen it at other forums. Otherwise, Online gaming
  18. actually, They have a preloader available for you to use. So I used that, It didn't mean I uploaded it to newgrounds
  19. shouldn't this be in the ideas forum... weve taken most of the steps to become a successful forums The only real next thing is interacting like Online Gaming, Web Cams, etc. If you want, You can host a Winamp Radio
  20. Yay no worm on my computer I try to let ppl make topics, then I make topics if everything's a complete graveyard. PS: Swimming is a pain in high school
  21. I just received a virus over the email. Being tired, I didn't really pay attention to it so now i have the virus and my computer will be off for a long time. if you see the words Very important, don't open. Ignore it. Its the virus according to my brother So I'll see you guys until my comp is fixed
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