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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Its been 1 year since 1emulation has been created...(At least what I think since Gamecop Did register at August 20 ) I made A flash movie celebrating this event. Turn down your speakers because I badly Ripped it. I warned you Remember to watch whole thing :0 http://www.dreamnid.com/disoblige/Anniversary.swf Its been A great year guys
  2. Summer ended and now we are going back to school. You guys prolly will see less of me cause of more work due to high school. Its been a fun summer Something Special Is tomorrow...I think
  3. Which one is you? I think I'm kind of on the Obliterator side. Its almost when I say something in a conversation, someone gets hurt in some way I'll just have to stop talking once in a while
  4. http://www.emulator-zone.com/download.php/...7_2053-0_96.zip
  5. I say mcDonalds (I keep saying mcDownloads. I spending too much time on the computer). is probably one of the worst ones only because of their quality. Ever bit into a mcNugget and found a bone inside. Its disguting! Pizza is better anyways
  6. whats the difference between kazaa and K-life???
  7. Okay, for one reason, I dont think you checked the Faqs at Gamefaqs.com well enough. When you beat a gym trainer, You get a TM. not an HM. The HM's Are hidden around and you must talk to everyone so they can give it to you. Does this help?
  8. I really think Zero has the advantage over Protoman. For one, He has more skill with the sword and he also does have a gun. Protoman's Shield Can block against the gun attacks but probably not against the sword. I'm not even going to go into NT cause it gets strange there . I say the only advantage protoman might have is if X helps him because he is his brother. But I dunno, Zero can beat X even with his Shadow armor.
  9. Dunno. Check www.gamefaqs.com
  10. Half Life 2 (PC) Star wars: Knights of the old Republic or w/e Thats it Supposently
  11. A common question from food companies. But I think its ridiculous how ppl are sueing them just because they got fat by them. "They put Addictive drugs in their food that make them taste good so you have to keep eating them everyday" or something like that. Thats just a whole lot of bull.
  12. After hearing the Kazaa Scare about tracking ppl and fining them, Do you still use it?
  13. heck there are NO magjong games in this one i think. Power instinct 2 and all these sega games are in this one
  14. it downloads fine for me. try again dude.
  15. im looking at the "whatsnew.txt" so i didn't really see anything Otherwise, yipee
  16. No one KNOWS any of these? I'm kinda surprised :/
  17. Yipee No new games though www.mame.net
  18. That's actually not a bad idea. It would be good if ppl helped answered questions about consoles systems and pcs
  19. hi deach. see you're new here. Feel free to ask, answer, make posts, request, leech, etc. Probably one of the only forums you WON't be flamed and get called a newbie
  20. I forget if it was governor or mayor but anyways, Arnold swagernater is running for office in california. How do you feel about that? (unless he dropped out already which i dont think he did) For me, It doesn't really matter. A celebrity + Office in an another state = whopee. Dont care
  21. if you want the flash to be good and you take your sweet time on it, it usually takes a couple of weeks or months. btw www.flashkit.com for tutorials
  22. Before I fall asleep after watching the Blue man Group Who was the worst/best sidekick?
  23. Megaman X only cause its the recent one besides net warrior I think X would win over Link. For one, X In X6 DID get the shadow armor with zero's(?) sword so practically, the laser sword can cut link's sword in half
  24. Diso


    the only hard part is recording. we practically have to watch you beat the whole game or something meaning we may end up wasting a lot of time downloading and uploading Screen shots are ezier even though we have to trust that you really did it
  25. Prboably Goldberg or w/e in House of the dead for turning a ton of ppl into zombies
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