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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Yes You do know that the Genesis and the Snes had the x-band modem which allowed people to play limited games with each other. Even though it's 3rd party, Genesis/Snes were the first ones with online play. Anyways, nice news about the Dreamcast 2 is possibly being developed. Would like to get a sega system again though I don't see it happening for a while. edit: Crap, I really need to read everyone's post before posting. probably a good idea.
  2. getting back on kaillera. Anyone up for a game or two. (p2p kaillera seems interesting also)
  3. This is nice. Edited: Closed. Warned
  4. I don't think this game is abandonware yet, so Thread closed due to violation of rules Warned and Have a nice day!
  5. Jack Johnson - Never know
  6. Pretty much impossible yeah. It's about 600 posts a day regardless of active posters or not. If you want to know what we're at today, We're at 200 posts for today. Hard to make up 400 more "intelligent" posts for the remainder of today. Realistically, We should at least try to go for the 240,000 mark. Just have to make 200 posts per day.
  7. Watched Full Metal panic Season 1 and that Fumoffu season. Moving on to Full Metal Panic Second Raid. Probably will move on to Scrapped Princess or Kekkashi Next.
  8. The Almost - Everyone Here Smells like a rat I figured I would move this to the Anime/Music Forum since hardly any music is talked about in there.
  9. Need for Speed: carbon on my friend's PS2
  10. If we have about estimated 20 active posters, and those 30 posters posted about 20 times a day We will have this goal down. 20 members x 30 posts = 600. 25 Days left = 15000 posts! Yeah I know there's more than 25 days left till the year is over
  11. Jimmy Eat World - like she'll always be
  12. The Beatles - Obladi Oblada
  13. Gameboy/GBC: 007: James bond Kirby Dream land 2 Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening Some Mario breakout (Arkanoid?) Pokemon Blue TMNT GBA: Scurge Hive Genesis: Altered Beast Arcus Odyssey Bonanza Bros Castle of Illusion starting Micky Mouse Chuck Rock 2 Combat Cars Contra Hard Corps Cool Spot Crue Ball Crusader of Centy Double Dragon 3 Dragons Revenge Eternal Champions Gadget Twins Gain Ground Ghouls and Ghosts Golden Axe Golden Axe 2 Jungle Strike Kid Chamaelon King of the Monsters 2 Klax Landstalker Lethal Enforcers Lotus 2 Mega Bomberman Mickey Mania Mortal Kombat 3 NBA Jam Tournament Edition Outrun 2019 Phantasy Star 2 Quackshot Radical Rex Ranger X Ren And Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention Revenge of Shinobi Rolling Thunder 2 Samurai Shodown Shinobi 3 Shining in the Darkness Shining Force 2 Sonic the hedgehog 1 Sonic the hedgehog 2 Sonic the hedgehog 3 Sonic and Knuckles Sonic 3D blast Spiderman and venom: maximum Carnage Street Fighter 2 Championship edition Streets of Rage Streets of Rage 2 Streets of Rage 3 Strider Sunset Riders Super Smash Impact Super Smash TV Target Earth Terminator 2: The arcade game TMNT: Hyperstone Heist TMNT: Tournament Fighters Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Vectorman Vectorman 2 World of Illusion Xmen Xmen 2 Playstation: Chocobo Dungeon 2 Chocobo Racing Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 8 Final Fantasy 9 Gran Tarismo 2 Legend of Dragoon Monster Rancher 2 Tomb Raider 3 PC: Counterstrike Half life Half life 2 Lode Runner 2 Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries Outpost 2 Starcraft Unreal Tournament 2004 Warcraft 3 Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne Will Edit Later
  14. Jimmy eat world - let it happen
  15. Added: Rose online Materia Magica
  16. I wouldn't classify fighting games as beat em up as I think of beat em up games more of controlling a character and facing hordes of enemies. Going by your definition though I'll just go with: Marvel vs capcom 2 Street Fighter 3
  17. sonic 3 a good choice but dont you think sonic 2 was better? I still don't see why people thought Sonic 2 was better. I honestly liked the levels in 3 and knuckles better than sonic 2.
  18. Sonic 3 Target Earth Quackshot Shinobi 3 Sunset Riders Megaman X series Megaman Zero Series
  19. It may seem like the same thing over and over again, but there are some innovative ideas being brought out there for the FPS genre (Stalker's open world for one). Plus, you can always take a break from them if you get tired of them. Not to mention there's like 7 genres out there besides fps. If you seriously can't find something to peak your interest, I would recommend not playing games for a while
  20. Playing STALKER
  21. DJ tiesto featuring Christian Burns - In the dark
  22. The Proclaimers - I would walk 500 miles
  23. Beatles - Yellow Subarmine "We all live in a yellow submarine"
  24. our lady peace - not enough
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