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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Well thats why you get chrono trigger. There are too many endings to count and u can waste a lot of time just getting them all.
  2. The day where we ligh...errrrr watch fireworks Have a good holiday everyone!
  3. Do u gots a sword?
  4. If i was forced to watch one of those two, I'll pick golf. Golf takes longer than tennis and would probably take a few hours just to watch a game. Also, it will help me get to sleep
  5. kind of hard to get the sun in my house I keep killing the ants but they keep coming back. Oh well, They'll be dead sooner or later. 2nd Best way to kill ants: Mix chemicals together and dump away!. Best way to kill ants (OUTSIDE): THE FOOT!
  6. "Hey You!" Slacil looked up and put the necklace on. The guard watched him and ordered, "Its time for you to go in torture chamber E!" The guard opened the door and led Slacil to Torture Chamber E. Slacil entered the Chamber. He looked around the chamber and saw a sign. It said: Rules for Torture Chamber: 1. No food or Drink Allowed 2. Screaming is permitted 3. Answer all questions truthfully and you'll be let off easy! 4. No swearing please. 5. Enjoy and Have Fun! He felt the chamber move for a while and then it stopped. A door opened and Slacil was led inside. Slacil was tied securely to a chair. (Amazing isn't it, no matter how technological advanced we are, the chair is still a good torture device ) The guards left Slacil alone and he sat there for a few minutes. Slacil saw Shemesh come in with a triumphant and evil smile on his face. Shemish spoke, "Usually, your town's interrogators are expert enough to get people to speak. But this and future times, I am going to interrogate you. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this very much. So now, Do you wish to reveal any information?" Slacil sat in silenece. Shemish grinned, "very well. I'm going to make you wish you told me what I want to know..." -=After a while=- Slacil was thrown down on the ground. He heard the door shut behind him and footsteps went off in the distance. "Dammit! I can't stand this forever", Slacil thought. Slacil pulled out the necklace and saw Roger still in the pizza shop just walking to the counter...
  7. Ok I think we're going but however, they're shooting fireworks today so we have to leave early. Otherwise, its going to be strange and fun and wierd
  8. A slight crazy topic...but oh well. For some reason, I found a bunch of ants (some are dead now) in the never used dining room. I looked for a few ways to kill them: Vacuum (My mom doesn't want me using this method for some reason) Hot water in paper towel (Sucks) Solution in paper towl (Also Sucks) Pencil + Good ol cup of chemicals from cleaning materials = Best way so far. Ants are on wooden floor so that limits my choices. Once my brother comes home, all ants shall be dead
  9. I might go today whee. Its a food thingy where many resturants come to Chicago and set up in this large area. You purchase tickets to sample food from different restaurants. Its kind of nice because u can see restarantes u never seen before. And geez my spelling suks today@
  10. I forgot a few things lol Plus sides - Free Cable Internet - Free Food - Free Money I usually follow my parent's rules just to make them happy . Plus, I don't have much of a social life because....m3h.
  11. Dreamcastlover...You stumped us all Multiple Guesses!: Star Ocean: second story for Ps Phantasy Star for dreamcast Panzer Dragoon Rpg
  12. I have those kind of rules too, but I usualy get to use it after I finish my homework and practice instruments. Its the same for weekends too but after that, its total freedom And I'm going to be a Freshman
  13. PC > Xbox 2 + GameSquared + PS3 Otherwise, I'll say Ps3. being a loyal playstation fan because I always figured it like this. PS = Fighting & RPG Gamecube = Multiplayer Xbox = All the fancy junk Thus, I like PS the most but its really helpful to have a nintendo console on your hand when you're throwing a party
  14. "Interesting", Slacil Said as he watched Roger run around. ----- Later, Roger Returned to the Pizza shop in a Japanese Costume.... The plot Thickens
  15. Noticed he said one game. But if you luckily got stranded with a pirate cart, yeah it could happen mmm, Airheads, so, good!
  16. What? No Chrono Trigger? I'll stick with Chrono Trigger. Otherwise, Super Mario RPG
  17. Ah you dont have squeeze all of the rpg into 2 hour. You can do Final Fantasy VII, DISK 1 - See how cloud knows his true self Final Fantasy VII, Disk 2 - Watch them get giant Materia Final Fantasy VII, Disk 3 - Watch them kill Sephroroth YAH! lol They already had a tekken movie out. It was all in anime/manga. It was b ased on Tekken 2 and It wasn't that bad.
  18. Slacil lost his grip and fell down the hole. Unknowingly, it was a dimensional hole back to his dimension. He fell and hit the ground. He looked up and saw the hole vanish away. He stood up and saw before him a peaceful town. He started to look around hoping to find a clue to where he was. He stopped a girl and asked, "Excuse me, but do you know what town I'm in?" The girl replied, "You in the town of Wylma." Slacil thought for a moment...."Wait a minute..Wylma was the name of my home town!" The girl noticed the surprised look on Slacil's face, "Whats the matter? You look surprised when I said Wylma." Slacil said slowly, "This town....used to be my hometown.....but..how can it be?" The girl looked at him and started to recognize him, "Slacil!? Slacil? is that Really You?" Slacil asked, "Yes, but who are you?" The girl replied, "I was once a girl you onced loved" Slacil said, "Ryla? Wow, it is you!" They embraced. yadda yadda yadda. -=Ryla's Home=- Slacil asked Ryla at a table, "But how did this town get back." Ryla said, "A great mage came here and cast a portal to a dead, he found our town mayor and asked him if he wanted his town and everyone in it to be alive again. The mayor agreed, but, the mage wanted one thing in return." Slacil asked, "What was the last thing?" Ryla looked down and asked, "Will you still love me even if I told you the truth?" Slacil replied, "Of course" Ryla said, "The one thing was to lure you here and to capture you." Slacil replied, "You're Kidding me." Ryle shook her head. Slacil got up and said, "Then I have to get out of here, I will just put you in danger." He turned to leave and was at the door, and then he turned around to Ryla and said, "I'll come back once this is all over." Suddenly, there was a voice behind Slacil. "Slacil! I've been looking all over for you!" Slacil thought, "Gee, that better be Roger." He slowly looked behind him look at the feet first and going up. "lets see, boots. yea Thats a good sign. A robe? That can't be good. A staff. Crud this is going bad. A Beard!?.... Hmm I wonder if I can get him." Slacil quickly tried to draw his magnum but was stopped by a spell. "Don't think about it", said Shemesh. "Even if you got that magnum drawn, you wouldn't have been able to penetrate my shield spell." Slacil looked down and let go of his magnum. Town Guards came and took Slacil by the arms. "I'm sure many questions are running through you. Like how we found you for instance. we knew you would be probably lured to your girlfriend's home knowing that you havent' seen her in a year. But we can answer those questions....when we torture you!" Before the Guards took Slacil away, Ryla yelled, "Wait! I want to give him something!" Ryla gave Slacil a necklace and kissed him. Then, Slacil got carried away. -=Meanwhile=- Roger scimmed through the book and read, "If you want to see your friend. Buy the Book A Pizza and it will teleport you where he got out with a dimensional hole."
  19. Another good way to die is an instanteous death with no pain, like getting hit by a car and you dont feel anything....or something like that. lol. Sorry guys I'm not gonna post new topics for you to mess around in, my brain is somewhat off and I just got hooked on Legend of Dragoon and Rival schools
  20. Other than quick skirmishes, we're doing fine in the war. It doesn't really mean much to me right now. Who's next? Probably Russia by some accident and then we all get screwed over
  21. Not the average post per day. Thats pretty bad because even us big posters only have 1-5 posts per day compared to you guys. Probably Moderator Points would be better if moderators give them out to members lol.
  22. Nero is one of the easier Cd burning tools in my opinion. I figured most of it out so I can burn Games on it and also movies.
  23. It can't be Gunship. It has altitude meters and junk. I also have Gunship...but it might be
  24. Their Finest Hour - Battle for Britain for PC?
  25. Yea I thought the Street Fighter movie was a bit of a joke. It just became stupid as it progressed Oh yeah, Can't Forget Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within >_< Some Video Game Series on Tv were Ok in my opinion like the Super Mario Bros Cartoon. Usually, most video game adaptations to the big screen are bad. There are not much good ones. The ones from Marvel Comics are doing better. If there is a megaman movie, I'm just going to go WOW. A Castlevania might be good though
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