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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. I saw these types of topics in a fighting game forum i look around on. I figured, "Why Not post it here for the fun of it?" So what do you think? Who would win in a battle: Ryu, akuma, or ken? My Opinion ======== Oh jeez. Its a close tie between Ryu and Akuma. However, I have to admit that I do Like Akuma Better even though Ryu does have some wicked combos . I'm seriously all for those dark/outcast people. Plus, his shin-goku-satsu (Raging Demon: the one where he grabs the guy and beats him up) is wicked for being a cheap ass. So my choice is for akuma (I think I Betrayed Gamecop because I think he's a Ryu Fan lol)
  2. See the problem is that most of the free shell hosts use LINUX. I have 4 computers and i can spare 1 but im not really sure my brothers want it on LINUX. The problem are firewalls and routers. They may block running servers and junk. Other than that, Good luck finding one
  3. Hrm. Guilty for Life? Its can be only Human Nature. It is in our own nature to try to be in power. Meaning that means we always try to degrade or kill someone just to obtain it. However, those actions mean lead to dire consequences. Take a fat kid for example. He has been humiliated for life even by the lowest possible scum. People know he can get angry very easily and is capable of killing, but they dont care because its school. The very next day, the fat kid takes a gun to school to take revenge on people. And the victim's parents sue the fat kid's parents for money. The world is a violent and dangerous place to live. Our own hunger for Greed and Power leads to death and destruction. We can't hide it, but we can try to prevent it. This is why some people are trying to acheive world peace. However, that will never happen because some idiot yearning for publicity will kill someone from another country or even in their own country. That will consquence into hopefully justice, or it may result into a war slaying millions. Human nature is evil and theres really not much we can do to stop it
  4. I posted an Idea of that but i think we had the problem about who's gonna run it.
  5. For me its Catroon Network (Anime) Fox (Simpsons) USA (movies)
  6. my Arcade Folder is a huge mess with all these emulators in there lol. Kaillera is always good OK Done Rebooting. Grab the Latest Version Of Kaillera at www.kaillera.com Then meet somwhere on these servers ISOPALCE Emu-NAtion Post more if u want to. My Username is Honorless/Disoblige
  7. I just noticed i can get a free hosted forums. other than that. I made a new spray wheee PS. Dont forget about the highscore challenges WHEEEE
  8. get epsxe. download all those pete's plugins. and ur fine
  9. Memory Card, lets me save thingies
  10. what? No starcraft players? I oughta get Medal of Honor Allied Assault since you guys love it so much
  11. Dude. Square Enix = Square Soft From what Im guessing from the website
  12. whoa dont be hating Theres: GTA series Marvel vs Capcom 2 Final Fantasy 10 Red Faction
  14. Since this IS a emulation/games forums, we should start playing online with each other just for the fun of it. All we have to do is contact each other on AIM/AOL/MSN and meet up. Emsley and I are gonna try to play Counter Strike Tomorrow along with a friend of mine.
  15. Er I'll try to make 1 1. Vs. Series (Arcade/PSX/PS2/Dreamcast): The marvel vs capcom, marvel vs street fighter. yadda yadda yadda games. These games just pulled me farther into the coolness of fighting games making them my favorite genre of all time. 2. Counter-Strike (PC): What can I say? its my favorite multiplayer online game right now espeically with my friends. Nothing like shooting people and knifing unsuspecting ppl. TALK TO ME ON AIM EMSLEY SO WE CAN PLAY TOGHETHER YAAAH! 3. Final Fantasy 7 (PSX): One of the best of all Final Fantasies. Great music. Great Storyline. Great (but long) Summons. Yaah! 4. Bubble Bobble (arcade): I practically grew up with these dinosaurs when I was young. I enjoyed the game ever since. 5. Pacman (Arcade): Just watching the lil yellow thing go around eating things. The best part is when ppl die and their reaction . *Most One is Throwing up their hands and temptation to hit the machine* 6. Starcraft (PC): Game that showed Strategy to me. Enjoyed playing custom and melee maps. Even made maps about my school haha. Otherwise, the heroes were cool and so was the story. Tactics were always needed and are very useful even when you're outnumbered. Great Game 7. Shining Force Series (Genesis): When I first came here to emulforums, you saw an avatar and guys walking around in my signature. The guys walking around was the hero of Shining Force. The guy in the picture was the Evolved form of the hero. These games provided a new type of Rpg which was pretty cool. 8. Super Mario World (SNES): This game was always fun to me. There were many secrets for you to figure out and fun things to do. I really liked this game only because I developed my likeness for my favorite characters: Boo and Ba-Bomb 9. King of Fighter Series (Neo Geo/Arcade): These were plenty of fun. I liked how you can choose over many Characters. The Striker system was also new to me. Plus, some of those characters were krazy yet funny, *Shingo!*. 10. Chrono Trigger (SNES): One of the best Rpgs out there. I get interested in games that have to deal with time especially if its an rpg. Had cool music and a sweet plot. One of the first games I played that had tons of endings. Honorable Mentions: 1. Destrega (PSX): You probably didn't heard of this one. I thought it was kind of cool. It was in completely 3d. What I mean by that is that you can move around freely and jump on stuff. You could charge up magic and use them in different combinations. Plus the music was catchy 2. Trap Runner (PSX): This was also pretty cool. You run around setting traps hoping that the other person will step on them. You can defuse them if you got the speed to. However, if the guy shoots you with his/her gun, the thing blows up in your face. There are also special abilities that are pretty cool. Theres my top 10 list haha
  16. I'm using 3 kinds. Track and Ball Optical And Wireless Optical Theres 4 computers. 1 uses track 2 uses optical and 1 uses wiresless optical So What do YOU Use?
  17. agh ur forums are slot for me. Arrrghies New Spray Coming In Later
  18. If you do, Tell me Cause I wanna pLay
  19. RuneScape
  20. Some of those games ARE pretty good like Deus Ex. Starcraft, etc. I was surprised when Mario got the 1st spot. That game is extremely annoying and a "Token Eater"
  21. I figured I'll post in the forums im moderating in As you may or may not know, you can post sprays around in counter strike on walls, ceilings, statues, etc., people can make their own sprays and junk so I figured I'll make one of my own. Here is one that I have made but might be changing soon
  22. Well you can host ur own if you set ur firewall/router to allow them, but there are only a few number of ppl u can do it for b4 its starts to lag. If you have a t1/t3, you can host one. Also, you can get websites or whatnot to sponsor you or something like that, but the chances of that is very slim. Stick to LAN, those are good because you know who ur playing with and u get BRAGGING RITES!
  23. well theres always Runescape
  24. Junmesyn is sure making a lot of posts...errr nm IGN has made a top 100 games list on what they think are the best games ever made so far. Check it out Here!
  25. i average around 200-500 dollars or so. I don't really buy many games anymore. I find myself buying more utilities than games because you really need some of them to play. (Imagine going 3 weeks with an rpg u just bought with NO MEMORY CARD) My brother likes to download them off the internet before I get a chance to buy the game Usually, my parents/brothers buy games and i just play their games. Otherwise, I can play a game for a long time (starcraft)
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