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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. I was surprised today when I just checked my email and noticed there was a private message for me. I figured it was someone that was asking me about something. Then, I saw "Congratulations, You are now a moderator", and my mind went "Whaaaaat!?" Um *scratches head* Im still a lil bewildered, but hello
  2. I was from A@H but i was so afraid to post because i knew that i would get flamed or something like that.
  3. I really dont like those people that go "Haha you suk. Please shut up now. K thx!" That fricken "K thx" is so stupid. They act like it proves something. What I prove to them is a few headshots in counter strike and then they leave HAHAHAH.
  4. Why...Is...No...One...Talking!? Ok. Happy Father's Day. just a lil early. What are you going to do for your pop? I'll just do random things for him. Note: I updated my webbie a lil early because I may not have time for it so enjoy the HUGE update.
  5. dude. i added it rite away when i saw it. whens the last time u checked my website I'm not always there when you make a post. You got to wait a while until I have time to upadate it. Otherwise, my apologies if I hurt your feelings. Notice: Anyscores given to me will be posted in big update tomorrow!
  6. This is an article written by this guy to show the immaturity of most Starcraft players online. However, I am not like this cause I really dont care lol . Whenever you played Starcraft online or not, some of his remarks are still pretty true. You're All Idiots Article
  7. Do you guys gel ur hair? I do a few times just to see what it looks like. So for me its probably no. For you people that dont know what Gel is, its a liquid that helps keep ur hair in place. kinda like hairspray but u can do more with it. If you see people with spikes, they probably use gel.
  8. They just did this to help their economy and also, to give the players of Gamecube a chance to play the resident evil series. They made zero and resident evil for GC and probably thought to release the others for the the GC as well. But still they could have made the price lower bcuz thats just wasting money. Still, capcom makes some of the best games in my opinion so you can't blame them for making such a strange act
  9. Funny how people dont like each other when we're asked stupid questions. I just be sarcastic for a while and then give them the answer to make them feel dumb *cough* Emsley *cough* but usually, its just for my enjoyment. Hey at least you got the answer from me If we have any Fidel castros or Saddam Husseins here...lets just say you just went low and hit all the way to china
  10. well hate them more because they just came out with mame Version 7.0!
  11. I'll think about it If I want a free hosted forums from gamecop lol. Btw: More games are now at my site. Beat them!
  12. Hard one here Simpsons all the way! They do everything and are pretty hilarious
  13. New War Game This is a game my bro has been working on the website. Its like chain of command from what i saw on the forums. I haven't played it because I personally think it suks lol. Why play 2d war games when you can play COUNTER STRIKE AND MEDAL OF HONOR!
  14. thats coo. we need more people to participate. Remember that you can always request on my forums for games you want so Gamecop doesn't Cap me for spamming
  15. No thx. I'm not good at those games I'd rather stick to counter strike!
  16. Prison for life Sure he killed members of the law. but its only 3 fricken people. If he killed 10000 people or the president, yeah he'll go to the death penalty
  17. Believe it biatch
  18. I downloaded that game and i die every round! i downloaded it at 250 kbs Otherwise, its pretty neat
  19. these are just people that want to act superior in their owns ways and doesn't want anyone to correct them. I call them morons
  20. waiiit ur sgtSarros. Oopsies.... BTW: Post in my forums for wat games i should do next for the highscore challenge EDIT: Oh yeah Sgtsarros, you're a good 24000 away from the top highscore
  21. For me its sometimes, but somehow, counter strike has changed that. Now i can listen for faint footsteps and i get this sense that someone is behind me. Strange huh?
  22. waiiit. so the top score is when you cheated
  23. Now i have a ezboard forums so its easier for me to find out things for the highscore challenges. PS: Emsley is domininating the Metal Slug X highscores. Can nobody stop him?
  24. blah lets do a tutorial 1. goto my homepage by cliking on the button or.... Disoblige's Hideout 2. Clik on the games link 3. clik on emulation 4. scroll down to high score challenges 5. there you go 6. try to beat them 7. type emsley suks in guestbook [/url]
  25. its vampire savior 2 i think.
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