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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. This is easy. I hold all the highscores on 1emulation I would have expected Emsley to try to beat the metal slug x 1 but oh well
  2. After 2-3 hours of sprite ripping and various ways to do animation, i finally made my own lil banner. Go to my website to check it out!
  3. Instead of making all these big posts about these. Just pm me or email me with the highscore u get BTW. I added a galaga Highscore challenge Request some challenges if u want! Get more info at my website.
  4. there shouldn't be. Just do the burn image thing and burn it
  5. Haha wat happened to this post? Oh well look at my first post for updates!
  6. No more 250 pound fat plumber? awww.... If its Pikachu, I seriously will just destroy every nintendo thing i see Mario games DID get kinda of old but it doesn't mean that they can make up new ideas for it.
  7. Thats cool. Rite now Learning how to do frames is killing me But i think i got the hang of it!
  8. i dont get u if theres a cue with the.bin file Just double clik the cue and it should start burning once u clik burn button. The cue file redirects the bin file to the burning i think
  9. I got tired of nintendo after a while :/ The only really thing i like about them is kirby and Boo And now im going to get a flame by ME!
  10. psx magazine. Had funny things in there that stood out than regular gaming magazines. EGM not that bad either
  11. Im not really into watching sports. More into doing it. Just for the fun of it. Go spurs
  12. Never touched an illegal substance that is harmful to my health in my life. BTW You can't say never touched drugs. Medicine is a drug
  13. Heres a ton of things for Gamecop to mess around with I dunno if u found this site yet! http://www.phpbb2.de/dload.php?sid=24e2f48...4a58788da4c5eb7
  14. I think hes talkingn about that lil smily thing he made. It looks more like one of those guys that play the drums in those poetry clubs.
  15. In america. You have to carry a pistol around just to feel safe :-/ Otherwise, its a fun place to be in....without all those wannabes ugggh
  16. See that homepage button. Clik it Haven't worked on it for a LONG time
  17. Who do you like best Lets just do heroes for now. Megaman Bass (hes not a hero but meh) Protoman Zero Still like zero for some reason. Just a guy that doesn't give a crap. Megaman was a blue prick before the x series. He had a high voice and he was sooo stupid
  18. Just for the fun of it, I got bored and watched kids WB and saw this. Has anyone seen this cartoon. Its really pretty accurrate to the game.
  19. hmm... 1. Pacman all tha way! 2. Bubble Bobble 3. Galaga 4. Tetris 5. Donkey Kong
  20. Yipee. More ways to screw ourselves over
  21. and thats why im happy my brother is hosting my website for me
  22. Its not being new im worried about. Its the drugs, gangs, alcohol, etc. :/
  23. Thats odd. For the default style u can't use all the tags. but the spacepilot has all the tags (fade, colors, moving text) Anywayz, which one are u using? Default!
  24. Welcome back man. PS: Look under magnis name. his title is c
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