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Everything posted by Diso

  1. actually they're not in las vegas. They're pratically around the US and junk.
  2. For a while i thought u posted in neocream hahahah. Because GameCop already made a HUGE list of rom sites, no one paid attention to Saucy fred's post. or Did they? ---------------------------------- Disoblige ran around looking for posts to post in he found the post and read it. "haha stupid emsley :D" He sent a PM that said That is really going to work u nutcase!
  3. Coolest musik group you ever heard? blue man group!
  4. For me its those dumb singing kids. I mean How is Lil bow row, romeo, and aaron carter good? They practically just steal songs and add rap lyrics to it :/ What i don't understand is how people LIKE them. Those people need to get a life and listen to real groups
  5. If you find a way around the ban then yes "Shut up" Billy typed as a reply. ---------------------------------------------------- Disoblige sent a PM to GameCop and typed "You could have just moved to another server. now we have to deal with this :("
  6. Yay another vs topic! Gatorade = Expensive but more flavors Powerade = cheaper but less flavors I kinda like Gatorade better for some reason, but usually I stick more to powerade because I rather drink more and still almost get the same results so powerade for me
  7. i oughta try it. Steak is my favorite among beef
  8. Slacil grabbed Pietro's arm and they started running towards the exit. Suddenly, 3 XFDM's (XV10 Flying Death Models) started flying towards them and said "Intruder! Intruder!" --------------------------------- Battle S = Slacil mp21 Magnum (range 200 meter, damage 45-55, charges 95/100) P: Pietro Heavy machine gun (Range 100-300 meters. Damage 50-80. 200 shots left) 1 = XV10 Flying Death Model Twin machine guns (range 100-300. Damge 100-160. 400 shots left) 2 = XV10 Flying Death Model Twin machine guns (range 100-300. Damage 100-160. 400 shots left) 3 = XV10 Flying Death Model Twin machine guns (range 100-300. Damge 100-160. 400 shots left) Round 1: S = 200 hp 95 shots P = 270 hp 197 shots 1 = 300 hp 400 shots 2 = 300 hp 400 shots 3 = 300 hp 400 shots S P 1 2 3 Slacil shoots 1 for 55 damage Pietro shoots 1 for 60 damage 1 shoots Pietro for 150 damage 2 shoots Pietro for 150 damage Pietro loses armor 3 shoots slacil for 100 damage Round 2 S = 100 95 shots r = 100 hp 1 = 195 2 = 300 3 = 300 Slacil looks at pietro and says, "We're gonna die" Pietro looks fearfullly, "I dont want to die" Slacil looks at the XFDM's and remembers something. He pulls out a grenade and says "I forgot about these! use yours too!" S P 1 2 3 Slacil thros grenade at XDSM(2) Grenade Explodes and does 250 damage to each XDSM (1) Blows up Pietro throws grenade at XDSM(2) Grenade Explodes and does 200 to each. XDSM (2 and 3) blow up. Victory! --------------------------------- "argh," Slacil groans. "Those things hurt." A glow surrounds Slacil and fades Slacil exclaims, "Excellent, I just gained a level." He searches his mind and grinz, "A few new skills too hahahha. We're gonna need them. let's go Pietro" As they were walking past the wreckage, they notice a few armor suits heading towards them. "Congratulations. You have beat a few of our XFDMs, but I'm afriad you're not going to leave here alive." The leader of the armor division said. "Who are you?", Slacil asked. "Me? Why I'm the king of this castle. I'm also a heavy experienced infantrymen. So hand over that fish." "whats so special about this fish?" Slacil Demanded "It is claimed to know where the keys are and i need it to rule over the land! So give it here or prepare to meet your doom." "I don't think so", Slacil said. "bad choice," The king said. --------------------------------- Battle! S = Slacil mp21 Magnum (range 200 meter, damage 45-55, charges 95/100) P: Pietro Frag Grenade (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) 1 = King XPS-10 Energy Rifle (Range 100-200 Meters, Damage 100-200, 100 shots left) 2 = Heavy Guardsman AM-20 Assault rifle (Range 50-100 meters. 50-100 damage. 200 shots left.) 3 = Heavy Guardsman AM-20 Assault rifle (Range 50-100 meters. 50-100 damage. 200 shots left.) 4 = Heavy Guardsman AM-20 Assault rifle (Range 50-100 meters. 50-100 damage. 200 shots left.) Round 1 S = 100 hp left P = 100 hp left 1 = 250 hp left 2 = 200 3 = 200 4 = 200 S P 1 2 3 4 Pietro throws grenade at Heavy Guardsman (2). Grenade explodes and inflicts 150 (armor) to each opponent. Slacil uses Tech skill (5 mp) spread shot. Slacil does 55 damage to each opponent Heavy Guardsman dies Heavy Guardsman Dies Heavy Guardsman Dies Heavy Guardsman Dies King flees but can't escape Round 2 S = 100 P = 100 1 = 45 S P 1 Slacil shoots king for 45 damge King dies. Victory!!! --------------------------------- Slacil gathers their weapons and gives the energy rifle and the charges to Pietro. Pietro says, "Look! The keys! all of them!" Slacil looks at the carcasses and says, "You're right!" He collects them and they run off. *Archim town* "Did you get it?" Nadia asked. "Yes we did. Here you go." Slacil said. Nadia took the goldfish, "And as i promised here is the key, but tell me. what are you going to do when you have all of them?" Slacil said, "I'm going to destroy the weapon. If theres a way." Nadia bowed and said, "May the Gods be with you" Slacil looked at Pietro and Nadia and said, "Stay with her, Pietro" Pietro protested, "Why can't I come with you?" Slacil shook his head and laughed, "With the king dead, the prince is going to take over. Plus the keys are gone, so it will be dangerous here. I know that you 2 love each other so i want you to protect her at all costs." Pietro said, "Ok i will. Just be careful." Slacil said, "I will." and he walked off. Slacil went to the weapons store and bought ammo and a few frag grenades. He also went to the item shop to buy a few healing items and used one on himself. He walked off thinking about a lot on his mind: pietro, the keys, the goldfish, roger....He didn't want any innocent lives being lost for this struggle. He headed to his next destination that the goldfish showed him...... Character name:Slacil Class: Wanderer Hp: 300/300 Mp: 20/20 Weapons: I)Sniper Rifle (range 500 meter, damage 30-40, charges 50/50) II)mp21 Magnum (ranghe 200 meter, damage 45-55, charges 95/100) III) Frag Grenades (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC) Tech Skills: I) Spread shot (5 mp) - multiple damage to enemies II) Stealth (5 mp each turn) - Cloak. Can attack but does less damage. Enemies can't attack unless they contain radar. Money: 5000 credits Location: On the way to the P'mand Plains Current Status: great
  9. it would be nice to not wait for the reply button when all my brothers are uploading
  10. no its took much of a download and never worked for me. graal was better before u had to pay for it.
  11. YES! Billy thought. No more trouble on 1emulation. He posted that a new beginning on 1emulation. ------ Disoblige cliked reply, he typed, Ironic, we just started a new beginning.
  12. dur ur banned dude lol Bill found out that emsley was using another internet connect and demanded gamecop wat was happening He found out that Emsley had 1000000 different isps. He gave up and warned Emsley not to cause trouble ------------------ Disoblige and 3 others went to the building in the night! Wat will happen? Disoblige knows because he has to go home to sleep now
  13. The next day.... Bill logged on expected be respected when he noticed a flame by one of the moderators. He decidees to ban him to prevent further trouble. He mentions in his next news that if anyone tried to help him, they will be banned also! ---------------- Fast Scene Disoblige is talking with some Iraq Suicide Bombers ooops j/k ---------------- Disoblige stares at the news and makes a note saying, "Raid the building 2nite and we'll 0wnzor that guy
  14. Now the only problem is finding out which ones are the best to use. Do a post about that Gamecop "Recommended emulators to use :)" Side note - Looks whos pathetically trying to catchup emsley
  15. Yah how could I forget those. Streets of rage Golden Axe Fun Worst game = Shaq fu ARRRGH
  16. Just to take a break from the fantasy one which is still pretty good by the way! Another Rpg You can do anything u want as long it retains to the story Im playing 2 different ppls! Place: Present ----------------- Mark wakes up one day and sits up. He dresses up in his big suit. He goes to the office building he is in charge of. The office building host internet sites. As he was looking around, he saw a place called 1emulation. He noticed how cool it was and how much a fun time the people were having. He noticed everyone respected "GameCop". Mark found "GameCop" easily thanks to his tracing device. He drove to his house and went up to him. "Gamecop" turned around and asked him what he wanted. "You're released from your position. You are now just a regular moderator. I'm in charge now because I will shut down your website if you don't comply!" Bill threatened. "Nooo! anything but that!" "gamecop" Cried. "Then I'll take your position starting now" Bill said Bill created an account and made the administrators regular moderators. He made himself a administrator and laughed out loud! ------------------------- "Disoblige" logged onto his computer. He decided to check the cool worlf of 1emulation. He noticed there was some news by someone that was new. He Read.... ----- My name is Dalgon. I'm the new owner of 1emulation. Gamecop is now just your regular administrator. Please notice there will be nothing new and please continue on your regular lives. I hope that we can be friends ----- "Er. Wtf!?" "Disoblige" thought. He clik the private message to "GameCop" He Typed ----- HOW DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN YOU ONE MINDED FREAK!?!?!?!?! j/k -----
  17. lemme guess. its from jackie chan adventures
  18. Slacil looks down, "No fair. I killed about 1 thousand soldiers by myself and he kills a cat and hes gets the level...."*sigh*"Oh well lets look for our weapons." They found their weapons but Slacil decides to look a little farther hour later Roger and Pietro are standing by the exit of the weapons room when they hear a thunderous crash. They see Slacil in a medium sized armor suit. Roger looks at amazement and says, "Whats that?" Slacil says in a mechanized voice, "Its an HA201 Suit. Its cool to wear and provides tons of armor for the wearer" Roger asks, "Are there any others?" Slacil gets out of the suit, "No, so we should give the suit to the most vulnerable person meaning him" pointing at pietro Pietro gets in the suit and asks, "Whats all these weird things im seeing" Slacil replies, "That is your command hud. You can see how much ammo is left in the suit. How much damage it can take left. And a target device to see whos friendly or hostile. I already programmed it to make us friendly and others hostile." Pietro moves around a little bit. Roger says, "Ok lets get going." They walk around all the way to the dungeon area. they notice 3 guards guarding the doorway. Battle!!! ----------- Slacil 200 Roger 200 Pietro 200 Guard 1 80 Guard 2 80 Guard 3 80 Slacil throws a strange object to the guards. "turn away" he yells. Boom! Roger asks, "What was that" Slacil says, "Flashbang. Now they're sitting ducks" Roger takes his lazer sword and slashes guard 1 for 60 damage. Guard 1 shoots and misses Guard 2 shoots and misses Guard 3 shoots and misses Pietro unleashes a devastating flame against the 3 guards (100 damage) Guard 1 dies Guard 2 dies Guard 3 dies Victory! *cheesy music with poses!* ----------------- Roger looks at Pietro, "Now thats's cool" Slacil says, "Yeah but dont waste all of it. Lets go!" Character name:Slacil Class: Wanderer Hp: 200/200 Mp: 0/0 Weapons: I)Sniper Rifle (range 500 meter, damage 30-40, charges 50/50) II)mp21 Magnum (ranghe 200 meter, damage 45-55, charges 98/100) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC) Money: 250 credits Location: Archim castle Current Status: Great ------------------------------------- Character name:Roger Class:Ranger Hp: 200/200 Mp: 0/0 Wepons: I)Laser Saber (damage 50-75) II)Laser Bow (range 150 meter, damage 30-40, power cost 5 volt). Items: I)battery (power 490/500 volt) Money: 250 credits Location: Archim castle Current Status: Great ------------------------------------- Character name: Pietro in HA201 Suit Class: Citizen of the world Hp: 500/500 Mp: 50/50 Wepons: I)Flame Thrower (range 100 meters, Damage 60-150, 150 shots left. Can burn) II)Heavy machine gun (Range 100-300 meters. Damage 50-80. 200 shots left) III)Rocket launcher (range 300-500 meters. Damage 100-200. 10 shots left) Armor: HA201 Suit. (40-80 AC) Items: I)ID Money: 10,000 credits Location: Archim castle Current Status: great
  19. yeah everythings in flash with actino script www.flashkit.com has a toon of stuff to help you Btw. Is that Jackie Chan?
  20. Its neat. Would be funny if you just saw a someone's avatar (*cough*emsley or magnus*cough*) flying around the screen. but still pretty cool!
  21. One word. WRONG!
  22. Luckily my sound card broke. But i had a feeling that was gonna happen.
  23. Check here!
  24. The Sequels arent too bad. You gotta hand it to them for trying to make it good when they did everything in the first one!
  25. uh oh...Emsley you better watch out. As you can clearly see, ME! is dominating the general emulation boards. Hes catching up!
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